Chapter 18

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Ray's POV:

It's been days since I last heard from Chris. Normally, he will be spamming me with messenges daily but for the past 2 weeks, I did not even receive even a single one. Is he okay? What if something happened to him?

I'll die if you don't come back. You're all that I have.

Shit. Did he's not that type of person... I better check on him.

"Hey Joey, can you tell Dim that I'm going out for a while? He can call me if he wants to know where I went." Joey's head popped out from the kitchen with a chocolate muffin in hand and his mouth fully stuffed.

"Sur, ay." His words were muffled but I got what he was trying to say. This is why I dislike people talking with their mouth full.

"Thanks Joey." Grabbing my phone from the counter, I jogged over the house quickly and rang the doorbell. After minutes of waiting, the door was still left unanswered. Giving up on waiting, I used my key to unlock the door.

"Chris?" I walked blindly around the house finding for him. "Chris? Bloody hell! Put that knife down!" I walked into the kitchen to see Chris standing there with a kitchen knife near his wrist.

He looks like trash. His hair is in a mess, wearing clothes which seemed to be worn for days, dark circles below his eyes and a blank look in his eyes.

"Put the knife down Chris." He looked up at me blankly without emotion as he brought it closer to his wrist.

"Puppy! Stop that and put the knife down now!" Something flashed through his eyes quickly before it was lost.

"Please puppy, put that knife down." He shook his head stubbornly but this time, tears were falling.

"W-Why? Why should I? I don't have anything to live for anymore. I'm better off dead." His voice cracked as he brought the knife against his skin, hard enough to break the surface.

"Stop that now Chris! I'm here! I'm here for you!"

"You? Oh please, where have you been all these while then?! Where were you when I needed you?! You left me!" He crackled loudly as he pushed the knife down onto his skin causing blood to surface.

"Stop Chris! I'm back now right? Please, just put the knife down. I'll promise you anything."

"Anything?" He stopped crackling as he lifted the knife from his wrist.

"Yes. Anything. So put the knife into the sink now, okay?"

"I want you to move back today and stay here with me forever."

"Okay okay. Now just put it away." He walked over to the sink stiffly before putting the knife in.

"Come here." Grabbing the first-aid kit from the shelf, I pulled him over to the sofa and made him sit down. Taking out the bandages and antiseptic cream, I cleaned his wrist clean first before applying the antiseptic cream then bandaging it.

"Done. Stay here. I'll make you your favourite hot chocolate." Cleaning up the dirty tissues used, I carried the first-aid kit into the kitchen before taking out the ingredients for the hot chocolate.

Chris's POV:

Staring at his back, a smirk went up my face.

He fell for it.

Phase one complete. Time for phase two.

Seeing Ray come back into the living room, I forced tears to escape, pretending to cry.

"Puppy! Are you okay?" He place the cup down frantically when he saw me 'crying'.

"I don't know what happened to me Ray!  I'm scared. I'm really really scared. I couldn't control my actions just now. I didn't want to cut myself but I can't move! What's happening to me Ray?" I cried out in 'fear', throwing myself at him once he sat down.

"Nothing. Nothing is going to happen to you okay? You're safe with me. I'll protect you. You're probably just too stressed. Just get some rest first okay?" I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, pulling him closer to me. I felt his hand reach up to pat my head softly as he tried to calm me down.

"Promise me that you'll always protect me?" I said in a vulnerable voice, making him agree immediately.

"Yes Puppy. I will."

"Thank you Ray. Can you lie with me? We can have a movie marathon like the past. Just the two of us. I don't feel like doing anything today."  He contemplated for a moment before agreeing.

"Off your phone." He looked at me weirdly before switching off his phone after sending a text. Must be to the fucking asshole. I wish that asshole can just burn in hell and die. That way, I can have Ray all to myself.

Lying down horizontally on the sofa with my head on Ray's lap, he turned on the movie Bad Genius (it is a really good movie). Wrapping my arms around his legs, he patted my head gently, thinking that I was still afraid.

I couldn't help it but let another grin appear as I stared at the screen.  Damn...I should really be an actor.

Hi loves! How is the story until now? Is there anything you wish for me to improve on? Thanks for reading this book. I really appreciate it♡

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