Chapter 9

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Chris's POV:

"You're back! So how was it? Good? Bad? Are they stuck up asses?" I leaned towards Ray as he flopped onto the sofa in exhaustion.

"Neutral. One of them was."

"Well shit. Which one? The dad?" He rolled his eyes as if I told a lame joke.

"I wish. The son."

"Which is...the one you're cooking for?"

"Don't remind me..." He groaned into the cushion in his hands before lying his head on my lap.

"Who is he? How does he look like? Is he hot?" I ran my fingers through his soft locks, tugging them slightly. He moaned under his breath before looking up from his pillow and at me with a sour look.

"It's that fucker." Which fucker?

"Who?" He glared at the pillow sharply while clenching his jaw tight. Fuck, he looks hot. His sharp jawline is so arousing.

"The one and only asshole Dimitri." He said in a grumpy and deep voice against my crotch area, sending vibrations through my jeans to my dick, making it hard. Shit. I hope he doesn't sense the change-

"Dude. Are you having a boner?" He laughed loudly as he touched it through my jeans. Fuck. I hissed at the contact, making him grin stupidly.

"Were you watching porn?" He chuckled loudly as he leaned his face into my hand. No, I was watching you.

"You're hand is warm. It's nice." He sighs in comfort as he closed his eyes, visibly relaxed. I want to touch him. On his cheek, nose, lips and more.

I love him. I've loved Ray since that day, the day when he saved me.

Flashback start~

*first day of middle school, age 13*

"Hey, are you okay?" I looked up to see a blurry figure standing there. "I'm Ray and you are?"

"C-Chris." I wiped my tears away quickly to see a handsome guy staring down at me.

"Can you stand?" Ray asked with concern before reaching his hand out to help me up. Taking his hand, he pulled me up from my squatting position but clumsy me just had to trip on my own foot and fall against him.

"I-I'm s-sorry!"

"No worries. Now, why were you crying? Did anyone bully you?" He stood firmly on his ground with his arm crossed, emphasising his slightly muscular arms.

"T-They say my hair is ugly and girly. They pull my hair and cut it short but now they say I look like a loon." I grip my uniform tightly while staring down at the floor as tears dripped down onto the floor.

"They're wrong. Don't listen to them. You're not ugly, girly or look like a loon. You're handsome and strong like the man you are. You know what, let's be friends." He thinks that I'm handsome and strong? Am I really as he think I am?

"Thank you Ray. Can I really be your friend?" He shrugged his shoulders, leaning against the wall cooly.

"No problem. Why not? No one wants to be my friend as they fear me and I'm gay." He's gay? Maybe I finally found the someone who can understand me and not judge me like my...parents..."Oh, I have to go now. Here's my number. Let's hang out sometime."

He passed me a slip of paper with his number scribbled on it before rushing off. I wanted to tell him that I'm gay too and I like him but...I guess I was too slow.

Flashback end~

"Chris? Chris? Hello?" I snapped out of my daze to see Ray's face directly in front of me. I can feel his close.

"Oh! Sorry!"

"What are you thinking so hard about? I've been calling you for the past 5 minutes."

"Oh...just something..."

"Just something?" He raised his eyebrow, unbelieving my words.



"What if a friend confesses his feelings to you? Like a childhood friend or something like that, how will you react?"

"Oh? Did someone confess to you?" He grinned teasingly as he pinched my cheeks.

"Just answer my question." I snapped...unintentionally.

"Okay okay. No need to get so snappy. Personally, I may consider going out with him as we've know each other for so long and are comfortable with each other. I mean, as long as he's not a smoker, druggie or anything along the line."

"So basically you are okay with it?"


"I see..." Does that mean that I still have a chance?

"So who's the guy?"

"No one. I'm just curious."

"If you say so...oh ya, I won't be home for the whole of next week. I mean, I'll be at home a.k.a main house, not this home." What? Why?

"How come?" He sighed deeply as he smacked his arm over his closed eyes.

"Joey left for a week. I had to take over his role as requested by my employer and I have to stay with him to monitor him 24/7."

"Is he a baby? Can't a CEO of numerous companies/ billionaire, take care of himself?"

"Like I know. All I know is he was smirking like it was interesting or entertaining."

"Rich people are stuck up asses..." That ass is taking Ray away from me for a whole week!

"That wasn't what you said before."

"It changed...I would be so lonely without you."

"I can still spend time with you when he's at work?" He suggested after thinking for a while.


"Yes yes." He chuckled sleepily as he ruffled my hair.


"I promise. Now let's go and sleep. I'm tired." Yes! I can still see him.

"Can I sleep with you tonight? I can help you massage your back and shoulders. Please?" He contemplated for a moment or two before agreeing.

"Okay then. I can't say no to a back massage. Then let's go up now. I'm beat." Dragging me by my arm upstairs, blood rushed to my cheeks as my heart hammered against my chest when passionate scenes entered my head.

I love the feeling of his hand around mine. It feels so right. I feel whole.

My Pastry Chef (B×B) [Book 2 of the Tantalizing Love Series]Where stories live. Discover now