Chapter 13

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Chris's POV:

"You're back!" I jumped at the sight when Ray walked up the curb.

"Hi puppy." He says lightly, ruffling my hair with a small smile. I kind of like the nickname he gave me. It makes me feel closer to him.

"You promised to teach me how to make roast duck today so you can go back on your promise."

"Yes yes I know. Let's go then." He motioned me over as he walked back to his bike.


"The supermarket?" He said in a duh tome but his eyes were shining slightly behind the usually hard eyes.

I wonder what made him like that...

"Grab your bike puppy. I still have to make dinner later so we have to be fast." He ordered, sending a shiver down my spine.

His dominant voice is so arousing and seductive. I would just bend over the table for him anytime anywhere with just an order for him.

"Yes Sir." I said snarkily, making him roll his eyes slightly. Walking away, I can't help but keep wondering what made him happy.


"Hey Ray?" I stare up at him as he pushed the trolley.


"What made you so happy?" He looked at me quizzically before reaching for a bag of Graham crackers.

"Am I?"

"Ya. Your eyes are sparkling slightly even though you don't show it through your actions.

"Really? Oh...I didn't know. It's nothing much. I'm just glad that my class has attracted so many people." He says with a smile but the smile doesn't reach his eyes. He's not stating the truth.

"I see..."

"Hey, can you get the duck and the seasonings? I have to get the ingredients for tonight's dinner."

"Okay. I'll go get the duck first then." Grabbing a basket, I place a well packaged duck into it before walking over to the spices section.

5-spice powder...5-spice powder...where is it? I searched up and down, finally spotting it on the highest shelf. There it is! Reaching for it, I curse my height.

Looking left and right to see that the coast is clear, I stepped onto the first shelf and lifted myself up. A bit more, just a little closer...

"What are you doing?" Ray spoke suddenly out of no where causing me to lose my footing due to the sudden shock. Shit! I fell backwards and closed my eyes tightly, waiting for the impact but all I felt was warm and strong arms around my waist as my back was pressed against a firm and muscular body. warm and safe.

"Are you okay?" He stared down worriedly before helping me stand on my legs properly.

"The fact that you caught me, yup. I'm fine. Thanks Ray. But no thanks for scaring me." I glared at him jokingly and he just laughed.

"Sorry. It's funny to see you're struggling so hard to get it."

"Sorry I'm so short then." He ruffled my hair like always and his next words took me by surprise.

"You're short but it's not bad. Like this, you can have a guy to look after you and to pamper you." I wanted to ask him next if the person he is referring to is himself but refrained in case it ruins our long friendship.

"Someone like you?" I will tell him my feelings one day...when the time is right.

"Obviously. I've been the one taking care of you for the past years. The guy must be as great as me." As great as you...I don't think anyone can be like you. You're the only one who stayed by my side when I'm outcasted by society and even my parents...

"You're trying to get this right?" He reached up to the highest shelf easily and got the bottle with ease.


"Well, let's go then puppy. I've got everything I need." Trailing behind his large frame like a lovesick puppy, I couldn't help but wonder when can I walk beside him as his lover...


"Now we just have to wait."

"Really? That's so fast!"

"It's because you're here helping me. Let's wash up first while it roasts." Nodding eagerly, I skipped blindly towards the sink at where he's standing.

"Watch out!" I stare at him quizzically before slipping on a puddle of spilled orange juice and flying towards him, pushing him down onto the floor.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry!"

"Fuck...that hurts." He rubbes him head in pain as he stared into my eyes.

It was now then I realised what position we're in and how close our lips are from touching. This is so...I don't know how to explain this feeling. It's like exciting and arousing yet embarrassing at the same time.

"You okay puppy?" Nodding my head slowly, still stunned by our position, he muttered a 'good' under his breath. His breath smells like the strawberry chocolate he ate not lomg ago. So sweet and rich.

"Can you get off now? We still have to wash up." Blushing wildly, he chuckled deeply at he sat up.

"Oh ya! Sorry!" I climbed off of him swiftly as he picked himself up from the ground.

"Its fine. Stop saying sorry all the time."

"Yes Sir." He grinned at the nickname I gave him. I think he likes being called sir.

 I think he likes being called sir

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The dish they're making^

My Pastry Chef (B×B) [Book 2 of the Tantalizing Love Series]Where stories live. Discover now