BOOK 3!!!

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Hi loves! I'll be posting the first chapter of book 3 next week so do remember to check it out :)

Sweet Temptation

"Sorry, Sir! I'm really sorry!" The small figure apologised repeatedly as he stood frozen in his spot.

"It's alright. Are you okay?" I stared down into his beautiful pair of familiar looking eyes, wondering where did I last saw them.

"Y-Yes. C-Can you l-let me go? I'm g-going to be l-late." He stuttered fearfully as he stared at my hand which I've unknowingly gripped around his wrist firmly. It's so small and boney...

"Shit. Sorry." Letting go of his wrist immediately, he sped down the road swiftly without looking back even once.

I wonder where did I last saw those eyes...

I wonder where did I last saw those eyes

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Book 3's cover^

My Pastry Chef (B×B) [Book 2 of the Tantalizing Love Series]Where stories live. Discover now