Chapter Twenty-Six

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(Billie's Point Of View)

(About Three Weeks Ago...)

'Last call for 293C from Townsvile to Melbourne, at gate 15.' The woman says over the microphone.

I finish changing J.J's nappy and grab her before I start running to gate 15, if we miss this flight I don't think I can afford another one.

I come around the corner and see the line of like two people, but it's then I realise it's too late and I've already crashed into him.

I jump up in shock and see that J.J isn't crying which means she wasn't harmed and I sign with massive amount of relief.

I decide to look around only to see that the guy that I had crashed into was still flat on the ground. He seems calmly laying there like I had just shoved him into a clump of clouds.

"Final boarding, if you're getting on then get on because I have to close these doors in a second and there is no way they are waiting for you idiots." The Ticket woman says in an aggressive voice as if I didn't accidentally bump into this man but did it just to annoy her.

"Oh sorry..." I mumble as I look back down at the guy and he's gotten into a kind of sitting position looking up at me I offer to help him and he takes my hand gratefully. I pull him up and we walk through the gate towards the plane.

"I'm Edward, just so you know when you tell people about what happened you can say it was Edward." The guy says flashing me a genuine smile.

"Billie, and this is my sister J.J." I say putting out my hand to shake, he grabs it gentility and shakes still smiling. "So are you business or pleasure?" I ask hoping not to be over stepping.

"Business, I got a job offer in Geelong, also my sister is in Melbourne. Why are you traveling?" He asks as we are walking up the steps to board the plane.

"I'm here for pleasure, I'm down to visit my brother and mother, it'll be the first time my brother meets little J.J, here. Our pa-" I get interrupted by the woman checking the tickets and telling you whereabouts' your seats are.

"Tickets?" She says with a fake smile, I hand over mine and J.J's tickets to the lady and she points to where the seats are. I start walking to the seats and then I remember about Edward, I'll just say bye later.

When I get to our seats I see that no one is in our isle yet, which might mean it'll just be me and J.J in this isle, I sit J.J down on our seat and start putting our stuff in the compartment above our heads. I go to shut it and then I realise Edward has been standing beside me waiting for me to get out of the way.

"Oh, sorry I didn't realise you were wanting to get past. Here I'm done you can go through." I say still in shock.

"Oh no it's fine and I'm in this seat right here." He says tapping the seat not next to mine and J.J but the one on the end. He's in our isle.


After being seated for about ten minutes the plane starts to move.

"So what were you going to say before the flight attendant interrupted?" Edward asks out of the blue.

"Oh, I was just saying that when me and my brother Jasper were little our parents split up and each took one of us, kind of like the parent trap except we're not identical twins and our dad has already remarried and has had a new daughter, so I'm bringing J.J down to meet her brother Jasper." I say as if it's the most normal thing to say. "And how about you do you have siblings, other than your sister?"

"Umm, yeah. I have five siblings, 3 sisters and 2 brothers, I'm the third child of six." He says still smiling.

"So I just gotta ask, what's with all the smiling?" I question.

"Oh, sorry. Nah you just remind me of someone, and now I just can't stop thinking about her."


"My childhood bestfrien-" He's interrupted by screams coming from the front of the plane, Edward and I jump out of our seats me standing with J.J, and soon people are running from the front down this way, and soon enough a man is standing at the front of the plane blood dripping off him from everywhere, the flight attendant with the fake smile, is standing in front of him in shock starring at him. After a couple of seconds the man leaps onto her and starts ripping out her throat with his teeth.

The attendant starts screaming but the screams don't last long. Soon she goes limp and drops to the ground. And all you can hear are screams of shock and fear. Next thing I know the man meets my eyes with his lifeless ones as if saying I'm next. Edward moves out into the isle dragging me along with the crazed man following not far behind, running straight past the isles of people. He yanks the toilet doors open and pulls us into the cramped cubical of a toilet and slammed the door shut.

"You stay in here until it's safe okay and watch J.J for me." He looks at me as if he's going to say something but changes his mind.

I open the door and slip out the man's lying on the door dead from probably someone smashing him down, two people start tying him up in seat belts, I quickly sway through the isle with shocked and horrified people back to our seats and reached above and grabbed out J.J's baby bag and my backpack, I start walking to the front of the plane when the flight attendant jumps to life but with dead eyes just like the man from before she starts charging towards me.

I jump into the isle, which she doesn't seem to notice because she keeps charging, just at someone else.

I run towards the cockpit and start banging on the thing, at first there is no response.

"Attention, passengers we are going to make an abrupt stop just outside of Melbourne if you can find a place to hide please do unless you have been bitten then just wait in your seats and as soon as we land you can leave." A man's voice comes over the speakers. The Pilots are planning on leaving us out here until we land and then hope the crazed people leave when they automatically open the doors.

I run back to the toilet Edward and J.J are in and start knocking, "Edward, it's me let me in."

The door opens slightly and I scramble through the little hole with the baby bag still on my shoulder.

And give J.J the biggest hug I have ever.


Ten minutes ago, the plane came to a complete stop and since that moment after the doors opened I haven't heard anything. Edward looks at me and I nod, then he slowly opens the door and sticks his head out before walking fully out, I follow holding J.J. I look around and the plane is pretty much empty only thing that would seem out of the ordinary is the blood and the man's dead body, I slowly move towards the door from the back way and see a ton of crazed people running around, I go to grab the door handle, I look over to Edward, and see that he's got his hand on the other door handle, we both slam the doors shut at the same time.

I look through the window through the door and all the crazed people are running this way.

"They're all gone, it's okay to come out." I call and soon the other toilet doors are opening and a few people come out as well as one of compartments snap out to revile a young boy shivering with fear.

"Okay, Passengers please find a seat away from any of the blood and all sit in a row together and get on your seatbelts we are about to take off again and god hope none of you have been bitten." The Pilot says over the speakers once again.

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