Chapter Twenty-Seven

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(Billie's Point Of View)

After what feels like days but has probably been a few hours we arrive in Melbourne.

The pilot seems to be much hesitant, that is until we land and are instantly boarded by what I assume are a part of the government military.

They storm in and rush us off and shove us into trucks full of other random people after a few quick tests, it all happened so fast I barely remember if Edward was with us when they were checking for bites or not.

I think I saw the boy from the plane get on the truck next to the one I was shoved on.


The truck comes to an instant stop, I almost lose grip of J.J from how abrupt the stop was. Not long after the truck stops that the doors fly open and we are getting lead out into what seems like a little community with a massive gate wrapping all around, I don't remember hearing that gate open, and from the sounds of it shutting It seems like maybe they knew we were coming and left it open.

"Keep moving." Yells an angry sounding man with a megaphone, I don't understand why people like that always have the thing that enhances their power making them sound more miserable. "Yes, I'm talking to you!" The man yells out again but this time with a pointed look towards J.J and I. I instantly look around only to realise I'm the only one who isn't walking forward into this little community.

Which just reminds me of history class in the 8th grade when we were studying prisoners, and how they were treated back in the 1800s compared to now.

I stumble forward and accidently bump into another person in front of me, I try to apologise but I get cut off by the complete ignorance of the person in front of me whom I'm trying to say sorry too.

I soon realise that there is another gate but smaller more like a prison fence but sadder and tents that are like the entrances, I enter the tent and see they are checking for bites again but more thoroughly this time.

I put J.J down to get checked and that's when I spot the frightened kid from the plane, but now, now I'm pretty sure he's fucking terrified, considering he's just pissed his pants.

I start running towards the boy leaving J.J momentarily but as I get closer I see they are taking him back out the way we came. I start trying to follow and eventually they leave the massive pack of people and the boy and some military men are walking into a new section. I look down to see why the boy is limping, as I look I realise he's been bitten on the foot.


I look up at the boy again only to see him drop to the ground blood oozing out of the back of his head. I let out a squeal of absolute shock before muffling my own squeals and running back to where J.J is hoping the soldiers don't notice me.

While running back I crash into someone and accidently shove them to the ground but I don't stop, I don't even apologise, and I just know I need to get back to J.J.

"What not even an apology?" I freeze in my spot, when I realise it's Edward's voice, beckoning me over.

"No time, got to get J.J." I half yell back before running again. Not long after my running I hear him following me. I'm just now realising how far I'd walked/ran before when following the boy.

I see J.J and sigh in relief, but not for long as I see they are handing her over to some random person the other side of the tent. "No, She's mine." I yell, slightly turning their heads. Before running into the tent and trying to grab J.J out of their hands.

"She's my sister." I say firmly this time.

"Okay, what is your name, her name and ages?" The woman who was just handing J.J over, is now holding a clipboard and a pen ready to write any information I give her. Just as I'm about to speak I get interrupted by Edward.

"Hi, I'm Edward, and these are my sister's Billie and J.J, I'm twenty-two. And baby J.J here is tw-"

"One," I interrupted stopping him from telling them an incorrect age. "And I'm eighteen."

"Okay, and is J.J a nickname or?" The woman asks.

"Umm, yes. Her name is Jessica we just call her J.J because her middle name is Joyce, So Jessica Joyce."

"Okay, I'll just add J.J at the end." She says writing it down, "Now if you don't mind I need to inspect you two, just to double check, we've already had one slip up, today." She said, with a fake smile but I have a feeling she wasn't talking about this.


While I'm getting dressed I hear Edward ask the lady something, "Hey, Miss, do you have a list of everyone here?"

"Yes, everyone whose made it this far." She says smiling again. Which is starting to totally freak me out.

"Well, do you know if an Annabeth is here? Annabeth Hamilton?" He asks with desperation.

"I don't know, but I could check, just give me a moment."

We wait for a few minutes, "Oh yes." She murmurs before looking at us and nodding. "She is in a shared house and because you guys are a small family I think I have a little shack like house not far from where she is, I can get a guard to show you." Edward nods instantly, causing her to usher over one of the soldiers from before with the boy I look down instantly and follow without looking up carrying J.J slowly.

The guard shows us where we'll be staying and told us about no keys so we keep the houses unlocked when out but can lock when we are inside, apparently this is a safe place from what is happening outside the gates. And then continues to lead Edward to where Annabeth is, which he explained was his sister. I decided he can greet her alone, so when we passed the house I left them mentioning that I would wait there for him to come back.

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