Chapter 3

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Sunday night, the sound of crunching metal and screams enter my nightmares and I wake up frozen, covered in a sheen of cold sweat. Fortunately, I don't wake up screaming, so despite the fact that my mother makes me sleep in the same bed as her after the whole knife incident, she doesn't wake up to freak out. I check my phone to find that's it's almost five in the morning so instead of getting sleeping pills, I just lie there, taking deep breaths, trying not to think about my nightmare and thinking about nothing else.

Somewhere around six, my mother gets up and I hear her rustling around in the kitchen. I wait for a while before getting up myself and dragging myself to the bathroom.

I sit down at the table and start plowing through the stack of pancakes my mom places in front of me.

"So how did you sleep?" my mother asks.

"Fine", I try to lie around my mouthful of pancake.

"Really?" my mom asks in a disbelieving voice. "Because I saw that you left your antidepressants and sleeping pills on the bathroom counter even after I reminded you when you were brushing your teeth last night."

"I forgot", I mumble.

"Adelaine, this is a serious matter. If you don't take care of your health at this crucial time, your life could be in grave danger", my mom lectures in a sober tone. "But you slept perfectly fine?"

"Mmm hmm", I grunt. If I told her the truth, she would rat me out to Dr. K and that would be more painfully annoying questions.

"Come on, we'll be late to school."

Nothing better than starting the week with no sleep.


"Hey, how was your weekend?" Ross asks me as I stumble through the room and manage to take a seat at our Senior table half an hour later.

"Okay I guess."

"What did you do?"

"My friend came over on Saturday and on Sunday I was so bored to death that I listened to every One Direction song there is. Continuously, I might add."

There's a few seconds of silence which I take to be an air of horror from Ross's side.

"Why would you voluntarily subject yourself to such torture when there's so much other stuff to do?" he asks me.

"Like what? What is there to do?" I ask grimly.

"So much. You just haven't discovered it yet", he says cheerfully.

I scowl.

"So, Mr. Sunshine, how did you spend your weekend?" I ask.

"Well, on Saturday I went to see Moana. Before you judge me, know that my little cousin forced me and I would never have watched it had it been my free will." I roll my eyes. Boys and their pride.

"You mean you listened to it", I amend.

"Technically I suppose. They have these headsets which you can wear. On one side it gives the regular sound, and on the other side, a voice describes each scene so you can picture it in your head."

"And does it work?" I ask bewildered. This was the first I'd heard of something like this.

"Of course. They have them at most movie theaters. You just have to ask", Ross says.

"I thought I'd never see a movie in my life again", I say.

"You think a lot of things that's utter bullshit." Ross informs me.

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