Chapter 16

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Nice to meet you where you been

I can show you incredible things

Magic, madness, heaven, sin

"Hello?" I answer my phone, trying to rub eyeliner off my eyes with a makeup wipe using the other hand. I was already in my pajamas and my hair fell loosely to my shoulders in waves.

"Hey, it's me!" Mere's voice comes over the line. "How did the date go?"

"Really well, actually", I say, unable to keep my voice from going up another octave.

"Wow. What happened?" she asks excitedly.

I'm about to tell her when there's a knock on my bedroom door. "Hang on a sec", I say into the phone as I swing open the door.

"Camilia on the phone. Says your phone is busy and it's an emergency", my dad says tiredly. "She's been calling every fifteen minutes for the past hour." He hands me the cordless.

Oh boy, I had a feeling a knew what this emergency was going to be about.

"Hello?" I answer cautiously.

"HOW DARE YOU NOT CALL ME THE SECOND YOU GET HOME? I NEED DEETS. GIMME THE DEETS", Cami screams like a mad person. I put the phone under my butt and pick up my cell phone again.

"What was that?" Mere asks, sounding worried.

"One of my classmates. She's a little wild but really nice on the inside."


"Actually, scratch that last part", I whisper to Mere.

It takes approximately two minutes and forty seven seconds for Cami to return to using her normal voice again. And by approximately I meant exactly because I set a timer on my phone to check.

I put one phone up to each ear so I could tell the story at the same time to both of them. Might as well kill two birds with one stone.

"So yeah the concert was great, we kissed and now we're dating", I say as quickly as I can before I pull the phone away to save my dear ears.

I hear an "Awww" from one side which is almost drowned out by an "EEEEEEE" from the other.

"I shipped it first. Tell me I shipped it first!" Cami sings when she loses breath after her sixteen second screech.

"Yes you shipped it first", I say tiredly even though I can't help but smile at her enthusiasm.

"Did your parents already find out?" Meredith asks.

"Oh yeah they did." As soon as Ross kissed me goodnight on my front porch, I could immediately sense that someone was watching us and I got ambushed the second I walked inside. Well, my dad just gave me a pat on the back and congratulated me before getting lost in watching his basketball game but my mom freaked out at the idea of her newly blind daughter having a boyfriend and almost called Mrs. Fawyer to get her opinion. I had to go to the extreme of shedding some fake tears to beg her to not."Hopefully my mom will get used to the idea." I say, unsure.

"Don't worry, I give her a week before she becomes a hard core shipper herself", Cami reassures me. "Just let her see how cute you guys are together."

"When are we ever cute together?" I ask curiously. She's only known us at school and we only do school stuff together at school.

"Like yesterday when you tripped over me and fell on him", she rattles.

"That was an accident and how is that cute?" I ask, slightly irritated.

"Oh it just is. Well I have to call Jackson now. We were supposed to talk an hour ago but you know, priorities."

"You guys aren't even in the same class", I point out.

"Who said we were going to talk about class?" she asks.

Oh, something was definitely brewing. "Alright then. I'll give you guys another month till you get together yourselves. And then I'll call you a billion times and get revenge."

"It's hard to top me. I'm as annoying as you can get. You can try though. Tata", she trills before she hangs up.

I laugh. That girl is crazy.

Oops. I totally forgot Mere was on the other line. "Hello?"

"Hi", she says flatly.

"I'm really sorry. Cami's just a little crazy", I blame.

"That's alright", she says politely. "She forgot the most important part. She forgot to ask for the first kiss story."

"Oh yeah. She did ask for 'deets' but she got distracted by her own so self", I say with a laugh.

"So spill."

And I realise while telling it, that aside from the fact that we're both blind, the story is actually very cliche.

I'm just about to go to bed another half hour later when my phone buzzes. "You have a new text message from Ross. Would you like me to read it?" the animated voice says.

I perk up immediately. "Yes please!"

"Beginning message-'Goodnight girlfriend, less than sign, three' ", my genius phone blares. I smile like the stupid love struck idiot that I am.

The totally cliche option of me would be to type back "Goodnight boyfriend, less than sign, three". But guess what. I do it anyways. Back off haters.

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