Chapter 20

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"Adelaine, did I hear you yawn?" my mom whispers sharply out of the corner of her mouth.

"Of course not. Which sick twisted person would fall asleep during her teacher's graduation speech of forty five minutes?" I whisper back, wiping the tears pooling at the corners of my eyes from my last concealed yawn.

I hear a sigh on the other side of me. "You still awake?" I whisper to Ross, lightly jabbing him with my elbow.

"Mmmhmm. I always knew Katie was good at speeches but isn't this a bit much even for her?" he asks.

I groan in response.

Finals had come and gone. I'd done decently well in all of them, even math, thanks to Ross. Now it was our graduation day and Ross and I were sitting outside on the picnic benches with our parents, underneath the scorching sun wearing indigo silk robes and square hats for over an hour now. I'd only paid attention to the first few minutes and then zoned out.

"What are you guys complaining about? At least you get to go to Six Flags after this is over. I have to hear this two more times before I escape", Cami whispers loudly behind me. Pamela giggles next to her and Jackson snorts.

"Children, please be respectful. Your teacher has worked hard making this a memorable event for you", my mom whispers loudly, shutting us all up.

"And now I'd like to invite on stage to hand this diploma to a very talented young girl who has learnt the ways of this life in a mere three months. She has worked hard to reach this stage and has had a positive impact on her peers with her determination and optimism", Katie drones.

Me? Optimism? I nearly laugh out loud at that.

"I wonder whom she's talking about", Cami whispers in my ear. "You definitely have not taught us either of those things."

I try to elbow her.


"Oops, sorry Pam. Pass that over to Cami would you?"

"Don't worry, I got it", Jackson says.

"Oww! Jackson how dare you!"

"Oww!" Jackson grunts.

"Kids!" my mom cries.

"May I please call up on stage, Adelaine Elizabeth Porter!"

I blink. Oh, that's me.

"Oh my little baby all grown up...Paul, you are videotaping aren't you?"

"Yes, dear."

"Take pictures at the same time! Or give me the camera. Get some on your phone too to send to the relatives!"

"Alright, dear."

"Dammit I can't believe she says our middle name too. I'll have to remind her on my graduation day to not include it. Oops, sorry Mrs. Porter. Did you get me swearing on tape?"

I'll let you figure out who's who.

I awkwardly stand up and walk towards Katie until she grabs my arm. She hands me a roll of paper and leads me to the side.

"And now, the gentlemen who has devoted his life to helping his peers. His honesty and generosity will take him far in life, as well as his enthusiasm to spread happiness and equality to others", Katie continues.

At least Ross's speech was more accurate than mine.

"Please congratulate, Ross William Fawyer!"

A few seconds later, Ross is standing next to me.

"I wish these two a lifetime of happiness and contentment wherever life takes them and a best of luck to them in the future. And here I present, the class of 2017!"

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