Chapter 23

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"I'm probably the only guy in the whole country who's taking his girlfriend to prom in an Uber", Ross grumbles as we step out the door, escaping my mom's intensive photo session. 

I hold the skirt of my long dress above my ankles to keep from tripping over my silver heels. I'm in love with my dress. At least, the description of it that my mom had given me. It was a strapless soft peach dress with a ribbon separating the skirt from the bodice. It was nothing extreme or fancy, but even when I could see, I'd always envisioned myself going to prom in a simple, elegant dress. And for some reason, I thought Ross would prefer something like this too. I was right in that, by the way because despite my protests, he had called me every complementary word he could think of in the past seven minutes.

 I was right in that, by the way because despite my protests, he had called me every complementary word he could think of in the past seven minutes

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"You are also probably the only boyfriend who got his eyesight back a week before prom", I point out.

"Good thing too. Would be a shame to miss the view", he says and I swat his arm.

He helps me into the car and sits down next to me.

"It was nice of your school to send you an invitation to prom even if you didn't compete the year there", Ross says.

"I know. I was kinda iffy about going. It's just that everyone's going to be there."

"Don't worry about everyone babe, just think about you and me", he tells me and kisses my lips.

"See, it's a good thing we didn't let my mom drive us after all", I say when we pull away.



"He's here", Mere whispers to me as I sink into a chair to rest my aching feet.

Prom had been fun so far. I'd already danced numerous dances with Ross and turns out I'm still a good dancer, blind. A few girls had come up to talk to me but it had just been some fake crap about how happy that were to see me and all that. Still better than sympathy, I tell you.

"Who's here?" I ask.


For some reason, my body doesn't tense up at his name. Instead a feel a slow smile rise up to my lips.

"Who's he with?" I inquire.

"Shainey Bearden", Mere replies. "Ugh I can't stand her guts."

"Are they dancing?" I ask.

"Umm, yeah, why?"

"As soon as this song is over, lead me to him", I tell her.

"Uhh okayy, are you sure?" Meredith asks.

"Hey hun. Want some punch?" Ross materializes at my side.

"Not right now. I'm kinda thinking of ways to ruin my ex", I tell him. The last notes of the current song die away. "Watch this."

I grab Mere's arm and she leads me to him. I hear his familiar voice saying something trail off as we approach him.

"Good luck", Mere whispers in my ear and leaves me alone.

"Tyler. May I have this dance? If Shainey won't mind, of course", I say politely.

"Su-su-sure", Shainey stammers and practically runs away, her heels clicking loudly.

I'm left with Tyler. I envision his green eyes and dirty blond hair but it doesn't making my heart race like it used to. It doesn't make me feel anything.

"A-a-addie", Tyler stammers. Oh yes, they were meant to be.

"Shall we dance then?" I ask smoothly.  I wrap my arms around his neck, feeling uncomfortable, even though we'd danced before. A lot.

He puts his hands around my waist and I can feel then shaking. I can't help but smile smugly.

"So how's life going Tyler? Shainey Bearden, huh? She's so sweet!"

"Uh yeah." He sounds so scared it's priceless.

"Which college are you going to? Got a football scholarship yet?" I ask.

"Umm, actually, I'm going into marketing", Tyler says stiffly.

I feign shock. "But Tyler! Football had been your dream for so long! What happened?"

"My dad wants me to do marketing", he replies sourly.

"Aww, that sucks. Good luck anyways. If you do decide to go into football and get famous, send me some autographed merch", I encourage him.

He sucks in a breath and doesn't say anything as the song ends.

"Hey babe. Care to join me for the next dance?" Ross's voice comes from behind me and it sounds like he's trying hard not to laugh.

"Oh I don't think you've been introduced. Ross, Tyler. Tyler, this is my boyfriend, Ross", I say.

"Pleasure to meet you", Ross says and Tyler makes a strangled sound.

"Well, it was great seeing you, Ty. Have a great night!" I tell him enthusiastically.

He doesn't reply.

I try to keep from laughing until we're out of his sight.

"Dang Addie, you're a savage!" Ross chuckles and I laugh.

"I can be when I want to be."

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the last dance of the night. Grab the person that means the most to you and get on the dance floor!" the DJ calls.

"Hmm I can't seem to find whom he's talking about", I tease.

Ross laughs and leads me to the dance floor just as Ed Sheeran's song Perfect starts.

We are still kids but we're so in love, fighting against all odds,

I will not give you up this time.

As I dance, wrapped in Ross's arms, I take a moment to feel grateful for everything I've been given. Amber might be gone but I can feel her presence smiling down on me. Blindness was a part of my life now. I would never be able to see again. And I'd accepted that. The very thing I thought I'd never been able to do. Thanks to my annoying friends, bossy patents and my Ross.

Darling I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms,

Barefoot on the ground, listening to our favorite song.

I have faith in what I see and now I know I have seen an angel in person,

And she looks perfect tonight.

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