Chapter 17

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"Hey", Ross greets me as I walk into the room on Monday.

"Hi", I greet him back happily.

He doesn't try to kiss me or anything since we're in class but he takes my hand and squeezes it gently.

"How has your morning been?" he asks me sweetly.

"Great, and it's only getting better", I tell him.

"Aww, the newly together couple is so cute that I may faint of cuteness", Cami's voice comes out of nowhere and I blush and pull my hand back, even though she can't see it.

"Damn it Cami!"

"Sorry, am I interrupting your precious moment?" she asks innocently.

"Camilia come here right now and start your math test", Katie calls.

"Darn. Don't worry, I'll be back", she promises us before she walks away.

"The kid's crazy", I mutter under my breath.

Ross laughs. We start doing our math problems. But it is Monday morning and it is math and I was sitting next to my boyfriend so I call for a break after the twenty minute mark.

"You're tired of math already?" Ross asks me as he throws his pen down too. Hypocrite.

"It's Monday morning and math", I defend myself. "I swear I have the worst luck. From the past three years I've had math first period."

"Alright let's talk about something else then. I was going to ask you - oh wait, is it a bad thing to ask a girl out on a Monday to go to a date on a Friday?" he asks.

"Nope. Any particular reason why you're asking or is it just a poll thing?" I ask innocently.

"Oh, it's definitely a poll thing", Ross teases and I scowl. "Want to go out to dinner on Friday?"

"Sure", I say automatically. "Where?"

"Anywhere you want. You like Italian don't you? How about Da Vinci's?" he suggests.

"Oh you meant dinner in a public place", I realize and chew on my lip.

"Something wrong?"

"No it's just that I'm super awkward in public places and I fall and spill stuff and don't people stare?"

"Well, you're not used to everything yet so it's normal that you fall and spill. It's actually kind of cute", Ross says and I smile despite myself. "But if you're worried about people staring, you have to get over it or you'll never live your life."

"Yeah, that's true", I admit. "What if I spill ice tea like I did at your house and get us thrown out?" I ask worried.

"We'll go sit on the curb and order a pizza to make a scene and in the morning it'll be in the paper that the restaurant does not respect blind people and they'll get shut down", Ross informs me.

A very likely chance that would happen.


"Come sit at our table today?" Ross asks me when the bell rings for lunch.

"Sure", I say, mildly surprised. "But, oh wait, Cami..."

"She can come too. I'm sure Jackson won't mind", he says sarcastically. So I guess the Cami and Jackson ship was common news.

"Ross, hurry up man", I hear Jackson call.

"I'll see you there", Ross places a subtle kiss on my forehead before hurrying after Jackson.

"So what did lover boy want?" Cami asks me as I dig through my backpack for my lunch.

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