Chapter 14

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We're supposed to go out tonight and Ross hasn't mentioned a word about it. And I'm unnecessarily freaking out.

Right now it's our last class of the day and we're both sitting next to each other listening to a recording about The War of 1812. Well, he's listening. I'm over-analysing.

He hasn't said anything about it since the phone call. He had time in he morning to talk about it. He didn't. He had time during lunch. He didn't. He could talk to me instead of listening to this dumb history recording. But no.

What if he forgot? Am I supposed to remind him? Would that sound to desperate of me? Was I desperate? Why was I so desperate?

I belatedly realize that the recording is over and pull my earphones off.

"Done with chapter 14?" Katie asks.

"Yeah", Ross replies immediately and I nod, trying not to look obviously guilty.

"Alright. You can take your quiz on Monday. I was going to give it to you today but there's only ten minutes of class left and it's Friday so I won't be a mean teacher", she says.

I breath a sigh of relief and make a mental note to listen to the recording again over the weekend. Or tonight if I didn't have a date.

"Thanks", we both say in unison and grab our bags and bolt for the door. Well, Ross bolts. I try to run and stumble over Cami's chair, trip over my own shoes and crash into Ross, sending us both flying against the closed door.

"Oops, sorry", I mumble as I pick myself up and Katie lectures for us to be more careful.

"It's all good", he replies as he pushes the door open. "I'm holding the door open, by the way, so now would be a good time to walk through it."

I blush at his chivalry as I walk out and he follows me. Should I just ask him?

We make it outside safely and I hear my mom honk her horn, early as usual.

"Umm, I have to go", I tell him. Ugh, what do I do?

"Sure. I'll pick you up seven?" he asks and I silently let out a breath I didn't even know I'd been holding.

"Yeah that's cool", I say, trying to sound casual but failing miserably.

"And also, wear formal wear. You know, suits for guys and umm...whatever counts as formal for females."

I roll my eyes. He was so oblivious. "The word you're looking for would be dresses."

"Oh right. In my defense, it's been six years since I've seen clothes, " he defends.

"Touche. See ya at seven", I say, attempting to sound breezy. Oh well, I tried.

I hop into the car and my mom gives me the usual questionnaire about school was and how many people I talked to and so on and so forth.

"So about tonight", she starts and I immediately start listening again.

"You said I could go", I remind her.

"I said I'd think about it", she corrects.

Dang it. If she doesn't say yes, I'd have to find a way to sneak out which wouldn't be easy with her guarding me like a bulldog. Well I had done it once but not on purpose. I've learned that it's a lot harder to do things on purpose rather than accidentally.

"And now that you've thought about it..." I prompt, getting ready for a good debate.

"Well, I spoke to Mrs. Fawyer about it and she thought it was a great idea. She said something about the concert being a very positive experience for her son and thinks it'll do the same for you. She promised that Ross would be very responsible."

"So I can go?" I ask eagerly.

"Well, I suppose so. But you need to get home as early as possible and need to be careful. No losing your head in the clouds", she says sternly.

"Sure", I agree easily. She could ask for my first born child and I would hand it over.

We get home and I go to my room to relax. Mere would be here in another hour to help me get ready.

Screaming, crying, perfect storms,

I can make all the tables turn.

Rose garden filled with thorns

I grab my phone out of my back pocket. "Hello?"

"It's me!" Cami's cheerful voice comes over the line.

"School just ended twenty minutes ago", I point out. "I know I'm an awesome person and all but isn't it a little too early to miss me?"

"Don't flatter yourself. I called you to lay down your oath on a very important matter", she says solemnly.

"Okay, shoot", I say curiously.

"Repeat after me. I, thee, Adelaine Elizabeth Porter, thee.." Cami pauses.

"Uhh what?"

"Just repeat!"

"Umm okaaay. I, thee, Adelaine Eliza- wait a second. How do you know my middle name?" I demand.

"Well your mom might have shouted it loud enough for the whole mall to hear last week when you forgot to call her, but that's irrelevant. Please continue."

"Adelaine Elizabeth Porter, thee. What the heck does thee mean?"

"It's to make it sound more official. Now can you quit interrupting. I'm losing my flow", she says in an annoyed tone.

"Sorry", I mutter, even though I'm completely lost.

"Ugh forget it. Do you promise to update me on everything that happens tonight as soon as it happens?" she asks.

I roll my eyes. So this is what this was about. "Cami, nothing is going to happen."

"Oh it will. Trust me, I may be blind dear friend, but when God took away my eyes, he left me with a keen sense of intuition", she drawls.


"It means that I know when stuff's gonna happen", she says impatiently and I groan.

"I still don't think -" I begin only to be cut off.

"Whatever you think, promise to call me?" she pleads.

"Yeah fine whatev", I tell her, just to shut her up.

"Wooh. Now you call me in five hours and see if you can repeat the same words you just said. I'm always right", she brags just before I hang up on her.

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