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Three years later

"Hurry up babe. We'll be late!"


I watch my girlfriend run into the hall and grabs her purse so gracefully that a stranger from afar would never guess that her blue eyes had no light behind them. Gone were the days she would trip over her own feet and crash into me.

"The concert is at 7 and it's almost 6:40!" I point out.

"I know I know. I had a late class today and I didn't get home till 6. Blame a girl for trying to get ready in a half hour", she says, breathlessly.

Addie was studying in Utah College for the blind with journalism as her major and what could I say? She was a natural. Her first book was on the verge of getting published.

I'd gone to a college only an hour away so even though we weren't together 24/7, we had definitely been spending a lot of time together. Especially after we moved in together last year.

"Just give me a second to find my burgundy wedges and we'll go", she says as she starts digging through her shoe cabinet.

I groan and pick up a random pair of heels. "Here you go."

Her fingers have barely brushed against them when she scowls. "Those are fuchsia pumps."

I stare at them. "So wear them."

"But they don't go with this dress", Adelaine protests.

"Your dress is white", I point out. "Everything goes with white."

"It's cream," she says defensively. "Oh here they are!" She pulls on a pair of dark red sandals.

Yes, I'm more colorblind than my blind girlfriend. Shoot me already.

I start to glare at her but my eyes soften as they take in her gorgeous blue eyes and soft curly blind hair framing her innocent face. I'd been dating Addie for almost four years now but whenever I looked at her, I still felt the same awe I'd felt when I looked at her for the first time all those days ago. I'd been blessed with such an angel.

"You can stop staring at me now. We're gonna be late", Addie mimics me.

Dang, she was good.

I give her a quick kiss before taking her hand and pulling her out the door.


"The concert was beautiful", Addie tells me as we stroll by the river a few hours later. "Remember the first time we were here?"

"Of course I do. I believe you threw yourself at me begging me to be your boyfriend", I tell her jokingly.

I watch amused as her blue eyes flash in disbelief and her jaw falls open.

"ME!?" she cries. "You made the first move!"

I laugh at her denial. Her fiesty personality makes me fall in love with her all over again.

"The lake is so pretty. The lights from the buildings on the skyline is reflecting on the water when it ripples", I tell Adelaine.

Her eyebrows furrow and her pink lips pout thoughtfully as she pictures it. "Mmm. That does look pretty."

We walk until we reach the place of our first kiss. Or at least where I estimate it was.

I put my hand in my pocket to make sure the velvet box was still there. Then I stop walking and turn around to face her.

"Adelaine, give me your hands."

Confusion fills her eyes. "What?"

"Give me your hands."

She looks even more confused but wordlessly puts her hands in front of her.

I take a deep breath, pull out the ring and place the open box in her hands.

"What-" she starts to ask, but then her sensitive fingers brush against the cool metal of the ring and she freezes.

"It's a thin gold band set with diamonds and amber", I tell her softly. It was a risk to pick amber but seeing Addie's eyes light up at mention of her lost friend, I smile.

"She would have loved it", she whispers.

Carefully, I take the box in one hand, take her hand with the other and kneel down on one knee

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Carefully, I take the box in one hand, take her hand with the other and kneel down on one knee.

"Adelaine Elizabeth Porter, when I met you four years ago, the first thing I noticed about you wasn't your breathtaking blue eyes which sparkle every time you picture a sunset or your rosy cheeks that blush every time you sense me staring at your gorgeous face. I noticed your sensitivity, your kindness and your loving heart. To go through what you went through, and still have the determination and strength that do makes you one of the strongest women I know. I love you Adelaine. I love your gorgeous soul and every piece of you that it controls. I love you for supporting me even when you were worried about our lives changing. I want to spend the rest of my life with you because no woman can make me happier than you do and if you agree to it, I swear I will do everything in my power to make you happiest woman alive."

The smile on her face is quivering and tears are pooling in her eyes, threatening to overflow.

"Will you marry me?"

At this, her tears pour out. "Yes", she breaths and my heart almost explodes out of my chest in happiness.

I nearly jump out of my skin at the loud applause that follows and I realise a crowd has gathered. Some even have phones out taking pictures.
I expect that there will be some emotional memes on social media tomorrow.

Shakily, I slip the ring onto her finger.

I was going to marry Adelaine! She was going to be mine! I watch her tearstained face radiating happiness, wanting to save it in my mind forever.

"Ross, I love you and all but you need to stop staring at me and finish this proposal", Addie whispers to me.

Finish it? She said yes, the ring was on her finger....oh, oops.

I wrap my arms around her, pull her to me and kiss her softly, making an everlasting promise of letting her see this beautiful world through my eyes.

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