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Bellamy's POV

I felt broken, lost, like there was a hole inside of me that could only be filled with one thing. I had blamed myself for her death for the past 6 years. It was my fault that she was dead. If only I went to the tower and not her, then maybe she would be alive.

For the first year of living back up in the ark it was hard. We all claimed a room on the ark that all just happened to be cells from the old prison part of the ship. The first time I had walked into the room that I would call mine for the next 5 years, I felt a mixer of happiness and sadness. The room I walked into was covered from ceiling to the floor in amazing charcoal drawings. They were no other the Clarke's her selves amazing work.

After the first year I had began to open back up to people. Myself and Echo had become very close during the 3rd year and since then I had called her my girlfriend. I wouldn't say I was in love with her. To me it was a way of distracting myself from the fact that I would never see Clarke again. I would never see her beautiful smile, or her eyes light up when she discovered something new. I would never see her amazing blonde hair sway in the wind or hear that rare laugh. I would never see my princess.

When it had been 5 miserable years on the Ark, Raven had informed us that we would not be able to return to earth due to the fact that we wouldn't survive the landing. It was hard to make the decision to stay up on the ark but it was better then dying and letting Clarke die in vain.

We had heard nothing from the bunker back down on earth. For all we knew they could be dead and we were the last people alive. I just hope that the bunker was strong enough to withstand the blast of Praimfaya. I hoped my sister was alive and safe back on the surface of earth.

I sat at one of the square tables in a large hall looking room. I had a plate of food in front of me. The food was nothing like I had been on earth but I guess it was better then nothing. I felt lips press to the side of my face and I turned to see Echo.

"Hey Bell, how are you" she said, obviously happy to see me.

"I'm fine, how are you today", I said not really caring for her answer.

"I'm perfect" she said with a smile on her face. What was there to be happy about on the Ark. There was nothing good about it and certainly nothing perfect about it.
"I was wondering if you wanted to do something later" she continued.

"I'm sorry I'm busy"

"What do you mean busy. You don't have to do any work today. It's your day off", she said now with anger in her voice. Up on the Ark we had dedicated work to certain people. Raven of cause got engineering. Community was taken care of by Monty. Emori worked on the farm that we had put together. Echo had been taught a bit of engineering from Raven and help her when needed. And I was in charge of everything, making sure that everything run smoothly and making sure we had enough food.

It wasn't the best life we could all live but it was better the dying.

As for Harper and Murphy, about a year ago they had been taken.
We heard a loud crash in the side of the ship. It sounded like something had been trying to attach to one of the air locks.
"GUYS HIDE. SOMEONES TRYING TO GET IN THE SHIP" Raven says over the loud speakers.
What did she mean someone was trying to get into the ship. We were the only people in space how could this even be possible. I hid in one of the air vents that connected the whole ship. After about 4 hours Ravens voice came over the speakers again.
"Guys I think it's safe, the ship has detached, meet me in the hall"

We all arrived at the hall besides Murphy, Harper and Emori. We waited until a sobbing Emori came running into the room.

"I-I tried to stop them, bu-but they took them, th-they took Murphy and Harper"

We hadn't had anymore interactions with the unknown ship since then and we haven't heard anything about Murphy and Harper.

"I have stuff to do so don't bother me" I yelled at Echo as I got up from my seat and headed to the control room before she could argue with me anymore.

When I reached the control room, I saw Monty sitting at his usually desk fiddling around with the radios frequency. "How's it going any closer to getting though" I asked him as I took the seat next to him.

"No, I can't figure it out" he said clearly frustrated. "Why can't I do it" he yelled and slammed his fist into the radio.

"MONTY CAREFUL" I yelled back at him.

There was static notices coming from the radio. "H-hey Bell-Bellamy" I hear a voice coming from the radio say.

"Monty di-"

"I heard it too, wait here I will get Raven" he ran out of the room when the radio began to speak again.

" Hey Bellamy, it's been 2199 days since praimfaya. I don't know why I do this everyday. I guess it's just my way of keeping myself sane. Remembering who I am, who I was. It's been safe of over a year for you to come down now. So why haven't you."

It was so quite and static that you could just make out what it said.

Raven rushed into the room and stood next to me. "Anything else?" She questioned while looking at me.

"Th-the person on the other side of the radio is on the ground. It's a girl I think I couldn't really tell. They said it's been safe to come down for over a year. The person knows me. She said my name. It could be Octavia" I said with hope in my voice.

"Okay well I will see what I can do. Now that we can hear them it will hopefully be easier to communicate back" Raven said as she began pulling at some wires.

The voice had returned the following day saying that another ship had come down. Maybe it could be the ship that took Murphy and Harper. The voice also said that they needed me. For the first time in over 6 years I had hope. Hope that maybe we could return to the ground. Hope that my sister was alive and hope that I would see her again.

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