|24| Escape

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"Well isn't it nice to see you again Wanheda" Natalie sneered at her. Clarke stood there with her hands behind her back. She had been waiting for Natalie to enter the room for a while now, after she was forceful taken here.

It was square, similar to any other room in this ship. The walls were white and the ground was an off grey. There was a small desk at one side and a few plastic chairs scattered around the place.

"Why am I here?" She asked back, she was not in the mood anymore to fight. Suddenly the doors slammed open and in walked a guard. He walked up to Natalie and whispered something in her ear, she nodded back to the guard then he left.

"I can't wait for this" she was pure evil. Clarke hadn't done anything, neither had Bellamy or Emori. They were all innocent. Well as innocent as they could be now. As if on queue the same guard walked back into the large room. But he wasn't alone this time. In walked another guard, holding tightly on Emori's cuffed hands. She felt so relieved that she was alright. She saw Clarke and a smile came onto the both of their faces.

"Clarke" she said softly. She had bruises on her face and you could sense a limp in her steps. "Why are we here" she repeat your question from not to long ago.

"One of you will die in here, and the other will live" she froze. No.

Emori looked over to Clarke, a frightened expression on your face, and in that moment she knew it would be her. She was the one that was going to live. "Now don't take long because if you two don't figure it out soon. You both will die" All the guards along with Natalie left the room, their cuffs with them.

The first thing she did was run to Emori. She hugged you back immediately. You stayed like that for a little while, before letting go. "I am no glad you were okay, Murphy was a mess. We couldn't loss you"

"Is Murphy here?" Her eyes widened with fear. If he was here then that would most likely mean he was going to die and Emori couldn't live with that.

"No, i sent him back to the lab, his safe" that reassured her, and she sent Clarke a weak smile. They both sat, their backs against the wall. No words were spoken, they were just glad the other were okay. Their minds were racing, trying to come up with plans so they could both live.

A loud bang got both of their attention, looking at one another ready to question the other. In burst Samual, "get up, get up now" they both shot up, Clarke ran over to him.

"Whats wrong?" Emori stayed behind her, not sure whether to trust the stranger or not.

"We need to get out of here now, we have to get Bellamy and you two out" determinant and adrenaline surged through Clarkes veins and she had a smile on her face. Finally she was getting some action, and out of this dump.

Clarke turned to Emori, "This is Samual, he is helping us get out" Emori nodded without a word and with that, the three of them took of down the halls. Twisting and turning.

A/N wow its been a while, this chapter is pretty bad im not gonna lie but I needed to progress the story a but more :)

Hope you all like it <3

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