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Bellamy's POV

It's been taking longer than I thought I would but i haven't not enjoyed. We were laughing and having a good time while still getting work done. By now Echo and Emori have left because even know they have learnt so much in there time on the Ark, they still do not know enough to fix a ship to go down to earth.

"Remember that time when you took my radio and though it in the river?" Raven questions while laughing so hard it was hard to speak.

"Yeah, oh I was such an idiot back then"

"Wait how about that time when everyone see things with those nuts" Monty says also laughing.

"Yes, yes yes" Raven replies, looking happier then I have seen her in a while. 

"Okay guys as much as I would love to laugh and enjoy myself, we really have to get this ship built and ready to return home" I say in a serious tone.

"Yeah okay" Monty says looking at the ground.

We get back to work. Most of the ship has been fix and is nearly ready to go. The only thing is we have to do some last minute checks.
Check if there is enough fuel so we don't die on landing.
Check the coordinates are correct so we land in the only green patch of land. Or as we call it up on the Ark, The garden of Eden.
Check that the suits are patched and safe, so our heads don't explode.

I'm now standing at the window where I like spending most my free time. Looking out into the earth dreaming of how amazing it would be it we were all back down there. Everyone I care about would be there. Octavia would be there, Clarke would too, Raven, Monty, Jasper, Harper, even Lincoln and Murphy would be there. We would all be one big happy family. Now doesn't that sound nice. No pain. No war. No death. No fear. Just safety, freedom and peace.

That's the dream.

But it's not reality.

"Hey Bellamy" Raven says walking up to me and putting a knowing hand on my shoulder.

"Is it nearly time to go" I says not looking away from the earth in front of me.

"Yeah soon, we just need to pack and then we go" she goes quiet then says "but you have already packed, haven't you?"

I stay silent and she takes that as a yes.

"You know she would be so proud" her voice is soft and caring.

"Who Octavia?"

"Well yeah but I'm not talking about her"

"Who then" I ask turning my head to look at her. She looks in my eyes with an almost apologetic look.

"I'm talking about Clarke" I look down and do not dare answer her response fearing my voice would crack.

"Bellamy she loved you. You haves to have know that, she looked at you like you were all the stars and the moon. She looked out for you the most from the beginning at the dropship to her death during Praimfaya" as she said death, her voice went quiet as she knew I still hadn't fully excepted it for what it really was.

"W-why would she have ever loved a monster like me"

"Really, it's been six years and you still haven't figured it out, She didn't care about what you did, she didn't care about your mistakes or your imperfections, she cared about you and loved you for who you are and not who you had to be to survive."

"Thank you" I say looking back to earth.

"Now if you don't mind I think I would like to go home. Wouldn't you". She shoved me with her small shoulder and began walking away back to ship. I followed and seen all five of us were back in the ship. Memories of Praimfaya in my head. As everyone buckles their seat belts and we all prepare for launch.

"Everyone got everything, because when we launch there is no turning back ...... ever"

"All good captain" Emori says from her seat.

Everyone laughs as she begins the count down.

"Blast off" Raven yells as the ship detaches from what remains of the Ark and started heading towards Earth. As we enter the Earths atmosphere the ship shakes unconditionally, and violently. Monty hits his head, and he appears to have fainted.

"Hold onnnnn" Raven yells as loud as she can as the parachutes deploy and we are knocked side by side and finally we land with a thump, which makes me lose my breath.

"Is everyone okay, anyone hurt, Monty?" I say looking at an unconscious Monty, head hanging and eyes closed. I straggle out of my seat and slowly walk over him.

"Hey Monty you okay, I'm to wake up" no response.

"Come on buddy we need you" again still no answer.

Suddenly I realise what's wrong, why he hasn't been answering me.

"Raven his not breathing"

A/N just wanted to tell you all that I have not edited any of my story because I haven't had time. I hope you all enjoy and I'm sorry for any spelling mistake. Please vote follow and comment. <3 thank you.

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