|21| Game Plan

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A/N - i was gonna wait to upload this but couldn't so here it is

Game Plan

"Let me explain, take a seat" Clarke hesitantly sat in the seat opposite Chuck, her leather jacket squeaking on the plastic chair.

"Okay, we want to help you. What our people are doing isnt right. So we want to get you and your friends out" this lifts a weight of Clarkes shoulder, and she let out a sigh of relief.
"Emori? She was hurt pretty badly, but we managed to stabilise her for now, and we are just waiting to see if she will make it though the next few days. Bellamy, he doesnt shut up but he is fine"

"So what are we gonna do?" Clarke pipes in, ready to get her and the others out.

Samual shifts in his seat placing a hand on the table. "You will have to go alone with our plan" he spoke, his voice was deeper then she would have expected.

"And that is?"

"We have to kill you", she didng know what to think. Kill her. What could they possibly mean by that? She wasnt dying.

"Wh-what?" Her mouth agape and her eyes full of concern.

Ally hits Samual's arm causing him to let out a quiet 'ow'. "This idiot mean's we have to pretend to kill you. Stage it in front of Natalia and the other heads of command"

"Wait" Clarke squeezed her eyes shut before continuing, "how did you have time to come up with this"

They looked at each other, clearly knowing something she didnt.


"You were asleep for almost a week" a week how was that possible. She were short of breath as she tried to come up with a logical explanation.

"Ho-" already knowing her questions, Chuck replied almost immediately.

"You were drugged, when you arrived", she nodded. What kind of drug did that? Her being a doctor in training was completely baffled, maybe it was something she hadn't learnt yet.

"Oh okay. How will 'killing me' save my friends?" she decided not to worry about her being drugged, they were questions for another place and time.

"They trust us" Chuck said gesturing to the four of them, "if we can 'kill you' in front of them they will believe you are no longer a threat and we can help you get the out undetected"

For the next hour or so, Clarke went through their plan with her. Finally having to sneak back with Axel to her cell.

At their arrival, Clarke turns to him. "Thank you, honestly i dont think i could have even possibly thought of a way out"

He nods, clearly not much of a talker. With that he leaves and Clarke is again, alone in the cold dull cell.

She remember Madi. Oh how worried she would be, and the others back at the lab. The would probably assume they were all dead. Trying to keep her mind off of that she thought about the past.

About when the first came down, when everyone was still alive and well. When they all could smile without having to worry about grounders, mountain men, reapers, the prisoners. How they were all so innocent.

But times have changed, most of the 100 were dead, he friends gone, lost somewhere in the destroyed world she called home. The remaining were not even all together. Some in the bunker, locked away from the world. Some in a lab, most likely mourning over there loses of those that were indeed still alive. And then there was Clarke, Bellamy and Emori. In a foreign ship, hosted by 'aliens to this world from many, many years ago.

Clarke dwelled on her thoughts until she drifted of into sleep, not that she particularly needed it, she was too ready to rescue her friends. Her family.

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