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Bellamys POV

"Emori, Murphy your coming with me" I tell them as i grab my backpack I had put together the night before.

"What are we doing, as far as I know you aren't our leader anymore" Murphy jokes laughing but when he sees the unimpressed expression on my face he quiets down.

"We are going to check out the ship, we need to know more about them before we just go in and steal there machines" I begin walking to the door of the lab, but Im stopped my Madi.

"Hey Bell, can i call you that, Clarke said that you don't let anyone call you that and you would probably be annoyed at her for calling you that, but still its easier the Bellamy so I-"

"Madi its fine. I actually have to go" i say interrupting her. She tilts her head to her left and notices the pack on my back.

"Where are you going?" She questions

"Me, Murphy and Emori are going out yo check our drop ship to grab anything we left behind" i didn't want her to know the truth. I knew of she knew then she would tell Clarke. And she wouldn't be happy.

"Oh okay well have fun with that', she says as she walks away.

I shush the other two as we sneak put of the lab and out into the forest.
We walk in silence besides the small comments from Emori to Murphy. I can see that they both care about each other more then most. They went through a lot on the ark and being separated for the time they were impacted them. Not in a bad way, it made their bond stronger, same goes for there love for one another. I wish Clarke and I could be like that. But I'm to much of a coward ti tell her how i really feel.


"What?" I snap at Murphy who is standing in front of me with a concerned look on his face.

"You zoned out, we are here" Emori pipes up.

"Thanks, so what we need to do it- " I am quieted by and hand going to my mouth. Cant we ever get a break, i think to myself. I elbow my restrainer in the gut and his hold on me loosens. I turn around and swing to punch him in the face only to be stopped by another hand blocking my way. The man pulls on my hand and i fall to the ground. I spit the dirt out of my mouth and jump up pulling out my gun from my belt.

I only notice now that Murphy and Emori have both been restrained by tall me in dark blue shirts and black pants. Just like the men i fought a minute ago. I hear a gun shot and a pain shoots through my shoulder. They shot me. The hot blood runs down my chest and seeps through my once blue top. I know if i dont put pressure on the wound soon, like Clarke showed me, then i will bleed to death.

"What are you doing back here" a familiar voice echoes though the forest. I see the face that matches the voice and Im suddenly filled with rage.

"I thought you learnt your lesson last time" i say with pure anger.

"Last time we were not prepared but we are now", she gives us i smile that is what i would describe as completely evil.

Emori yells in pain as the man holding her grabs her by then hair to whisper in, i couldn't quiet here it all but i did hear some. "I cant wait to.... bed..... me...... fun", Emoris face is discussed and she looks as if you were going to throw up.

"Get off me you dick" she tried to get away, which only cause him to hold her tighter and pull harder.

"Let her go right now, or your dead" I had never seen Murphy like this. I mean i have seen him mad, but right now i was almost expecting smoke to come out of his ears.

"What are you gonna do, cry to your mother" he laughs and the other prisoners laugh with him.

Murphy kicks his restrainer in the shin, but before he could do anything else there was a gun shot.

Emori was shot. She is laying on the group as the pool of blood surrounded her and expanded.

"No, No NOO" Murphy yells as he finally breaks free and runs to her limp body on the ground. "Please don't leave me, you are all i have. My only family. I love you so much and I'm sorry i didn't remind you as much as i should. Im s-" his words became to hard to make out as his sobbed filled the now silent forest.

I suddenly feel weak and fall to my knees. Shit the shot, if i don't get pressure on it i will most likely die. I will die without telling Clarke I love her. My vision goes blurry and then Im surrounded by darkness.

A/N One of my friends xbellamyblakeswifeyx helped me with this idea. I know its horrible but this story was getting slow so I need to speed it up.

Do you think Emori is really dead? Will Bellamy be okay? What is going to happen next?

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