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A/N sooooo sorry I haven't posted a chapter in a while. I hope you all like that I'm changing POV a bit. Please leave a comment on things I could improve on and/or things you liked about the chapter! Love you all so much and thank you for 400 views.
Enough with the long A/N enjoy the chapter. Im gonna shut up now! Bye <3

Raven's POV

As I'm struggling out of our new dropship, I hear Bellamy asking if everyone was okay.

"Is everyone okay, anyone hurt, Monty?" he yells over the sound of the rest of them walking along the metal flooring and out into the forest, that hasn't been seen by anyone for the past 6 years. Well besides that mysterious girl we heard over the radio.

"Hey Monty you okay, I'm to wake up" I turn around to see an unconscious looking Monty, his head hanging from his shoulders and his eyes closed.

"Come on buddy we need you" he asked again still no answer.

Bellamy said she up from his once squatting position and turns to face me.

"Raven his not breathing"

"What do you mean his not breathing, th-the landing wasn't that ruff was is? Oh my gosh what do we do?"

"Raven call down, you have to know something that could help him, you spent that much time near the med bay, please please say you can save him"

I could see the worry in his eyes. Over the 6 years in space, Bellamy has had his ups and downs. Mostly downs. And throughout all of them Monty was there by his side to help him carry on. There were days where no one could get him out of his bed, not even Echo who had gotten close to him. Too close for my liking. Anyway that's a whole different sorry. But Monty had become Bellamy's best friend and he doesn't deserve to lose anyone else, not after Clarke.

"I-I guess I know something" I pause trying to remember everything that I had once overheard in the med bay, "okay first get him out of that chair and then we have to begin CPR". I order, Emori rushes over to undo his seat belt, followed by Bellamy dragging him to the ground.

When he was on the ground, I began the CPR. I pushed down on his chest and then breathed into his mouth.

After what felt like 10 minutes, but was actually only 2, I looked up at the others, that were all now crying.

"Guys I-I don't think I c-can save him, I'm not Cl-Clarke I can't save any-anyone"

I look back down at my hands and begin to cry. I was ready to stand when all of a sudden Monty started coughing.

"MONTY, YOUR OK" I say nearly strangling him in a hug.

"Raven calm down, he nearly just died" I moved away and Bellamy helped Monty into a sitting position and hugged him as well. I turned facing the forest. It was beautiful, not the same kind a beautiful it once was, no this kind of beautiful was fresh and new.

"Glad your okay man" I could hear Bellamy say to Monty.

I smiled to myself and though out loud. We made it.

5 hours later, sunset

I sit on a log looking out into our 'camp' as Bellamy calls it. It's looking good. We have started a bonfire and Monty is felling better despite having a mild concussion and a few scratches and scraps.

"How beautiful is it, I've missed it so much" Emori says as she sat next to me on the log.

"I know, it kind of feels like we never left" I say with a small chuckle.

"If only Murphy and Harper were here, they would have loved to be back down her back home, Murphy was my hope"

"Emori he loves you, even though you had a fight doesn't mean he stopped loving you"

"You don't understand I told him I hated him, I said I don't want anything to do with him again, a-and then he was taken and I-I don't know what to do now, I'm so lost with out him" tears are now streaming down her checks. Her eyes are full of darkness.

"Look at me" I say grabbing her shoulders and turning her towards we. "When you love someone, something like this doesn't end the love, it just makes it stronger when you finally met again. And if you and Murphy never see each other again, he knows you love him and he will always love you back. Stop dreading everything he would want you to be happy and right now he would be so disappointed. So cheer up" as I finished saying this, I realised how harsh I sounded.

As I waited for her to start yelling at me for being so heartless, she did the complete opposite and pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you so much Rae, I really needed that, I'm going to go see if I can find any food of some sort, see you later" she says as you jugs away grabbing Echos arm on the way.

I smiled to myself as I thought 'Wow sometimes I feel like I'm there concealer'.

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