|26| feelings

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He was taken aback as he felt arms wrap around his chest. The pain that came from the person tightening their hold made him screw his face up in pain. That was until is caught a glimpse of the blond locks that belonged to this unusually stop girl. In an instance, Bellamy's arms made their way to return the hug with the same amount of joy and relief.

Any thoughts and worries that had been previously controlling him, died away as he held Clarke in his embrace. The both of them stood in this embrace for what felt like hours. Eyes closed, all either of them wanted was for this moment never to end, for them to never leave each other's arms.

Burying his face into her hair, he smelt the familiar sent of forest and dirt, he could also smell bloody.

Pulling away, too soon for either of their liking, Bellamy lightly pushed Clarke arm's length away, checking her for any cuts or wounds. To his relief, she only had a few small cuts on her arms, legs and face.

Bringing his had up, he rested his on her cheek. Clarke closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. Her face was warm, and the smile that made its way onto her face, turned Bellamy's own cheeks hot as an oven.

"That's something I though I would never seem", Octavia piped up from behind Bellamy. He let out a huff of annoyance as his sister ended the moment that was being shared.

Clarke made her way, going Octavia a short hug.

"I'm so happy you both are okay"

"Same goes for you Princess"

"Where are the others?". Clarke looked behind Bellamy to see went the others will be walking through the gates of Arkadia.

The look on both Bellamy and Octavia's faces gave her the answer she was dreading.

They weren't coming.


Bellamy shot up from his sleep, trying to catch his breath. His lung felt like they had been filled with concrete and his was sweating all over. What once would have been thought as one of his happiest memories, now only brought him fear and also regret.

He mostly regretted that he didn't act on his feeling. It's not like they were that well-hidden. Octavia had called them out almost immediately after he had caught them. She had always been pretty good at understanding him, he was one of the only people she ever interacted with most of her life anyway.

He put his head in is hands, and the all too familiar smell of bloody and dirt made it way to his nose. Although this time he knew it wasn't Clarke, he wished it was though.

Scratches as blood covered his fist, and his attempt at covering them with the hem of his shirt, looked almost laughable. The though did make him laugh at the face Clarke would have pulled if she saw it. She would never let him live it down.

Echo. He hadn't really thought about her as much as he should have been. Of course, Clarke would be worried, she always worried for him, but she had others that cared for her. She had Madi. Echo had no one but Bellamy. The others have warmed up to her, and you could even call them all friends now. But he knew that the only person that meant anything truly to her was himself.

This was the reason his stayed with her. Most of his feelings vanishing the moment he was Clarke alive and well again. He had wished that it wasn't like that, but he couldn't lie to himself about these ever growing feeling for Clarke any longer. Six years was long enough.

Tears made their way down his cheeks as all his memories consumed him. He knew there was no getting out of this one, so what was the point of trying to be strong any longer. At least he would get to see Jasper and his mum, even Lincoln too. He would apologies to them all. For not being smart enough, so brave enough.

His heart stopped the moment the lock to the door clicked. This was it, he though. The tears didn't stop, but they did slow down. He still had some strength left in him.

The door swung open and two men stood in the door way, one was older then him and one was younger, but the both looked as though they could beat Bellamy in an instant, especially in his state.

"Are you here to kill me". The moment the words left his mouth, the men were pushed aside, making way for the most beautiful women to walk through. She had the brightest smile on her face. Bellamy smiled too.

Standing up, the both speedily made their way into each others arms. She smelt like she always did, minus the bloody this time.

"I am never letting you out of my arms again". Bellamy couldn't stop the words from leaving his mouth, but it didn't bother him. She was going to discover his feelings sooner or later.

The moment was broken, as the younger of the two men spoke.

"I mean, considering we are in a life or death situation, and if we stay here any longer we all will most likely be killed, then we better be going. Because I myself am way to young for my head to be disconnected from my body", his tone was flat and dry, but it got the point across to everyone.

"Well then we better get going". Clarkes hand gripped Bellamy's and he made no move to remove them.

I legit said id be writing shorted chapters, but then here I am with a fairly decent sized chapter. I know you guys wanted more Bellamy so here he is.

And should I speed things up?
Get Octavia out?


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