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"Where the hell is Bellamy, Murphy and Emori?"

Clarke had just woken up from a well needed nap. Herself and Raven had been organising how they will get the equipment,which tired them both out. It has been two days since she had seen Bellamy, but she thought he was just trying to avoid her.

"Guys I asked a question, where did they go?" Her tone was serious and stern.

"Clarke how would we know" Monty answered first.

"Yeah we have been here all day, you wouldn't let us leave this room, because its 'to dangerous'" Harper replied, using quotation marks with her fingers.

"Guys, you all are not the ones that have lived here for over 6 years by yourself, you don't know what is down here and how its changed"

"Clarke, Bellamy will be okay, his strong" Echo replied.

Clarke slowly walked towards Echo. Her face showed pure hatred, as she to steps forward.

"I don't give a shit if you are 'friends' with the others. You are not my friend Echo and never will be. Get that through your thick head", Clarke and Echo are standing face to face now. Clarke is shorter so she has to look up slightly to meet her eyes.

"Look Wanheda is back" she spat in Clarke's face, she shoved her out of the way as she left the room.

"Who does she think she is..." Clarke mumbled to herself and stormed after her.

She had so much anger and hate stored inside of her over the years and she needed to let it out. Its not a secret that they hate each other. Everyone knows it, but they try to stay out if it when they do clash. Clarke couldnt keep it all bundled up anymore.

She walked into the main area of the lab to see Echo grabbing something to eat.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" You could almost see the venom dripping from Clarkes words.

"You are not their leader anymore, you are a no one. The moment they left you down on earth was when they stopped listening to you" Clarke stood there in shock, Echo continued, "We were gone for so long that you don't matter any more, not to Raven, Monty, any of them and certainly not Bellamy" that did it Clarke grabbed her knife from her leg and ran at Echo.

Echo grabbed Clarkes arm and used it to hold the knife to her neck.

"Looks like the mighty wanhedas time is at" Echo dragged the knife lightly over Clarke's neck, slightly cutting it, not to deep to harm her.

"You forgot one thing Echo" Clarke moved her leg and knocked Echos leg coursing her to fall against the wall and drop the knife, "I had 6 years of spare time on my hand" Clarke grabbed the knife and through it at the wall just above her head, "next time i wont be so nice"

Clarke walled off out if the room as the others came running in to see what the commotion was. Clarke grabbed her pack and walked towards the door.

"Im looking for the others, Echo your coming with me, if something has happened to them and we need to do a trade your gone"

Everyones faces were shocked, Clarke has changed a lot in the past 6 years, but they never thought she would be like this.

"Clarke you cant just go and trade people" Raven said in a comfused voice.

"Raven the others are out there, Bellamy is out there. Its been what, two days and you think i wouldn't do anything to get them back"

"I understand but you have to be calm, remember what Finn did when he had this mind set", Clarke stiffened at the mention of Finns name. "As Echo said before, Bellamy is strong, he would know what to do if anything happened"

"I hope your right" Clarke says and walks to the door with Echo right behind.

They walked in silence, besides a quick drink break, they didnt stop. It has become dark and Echo had convinced Clarke to rest for the night.

As much as Clarke would deny it, she know Echo was just looking out for her. Echo has changed in the past years, as did the rest of them. She was more caring and open with her feelings.

Echo was long asleep, while Clarke was wide awake worrying. Anything could have happened to the others. What would she do if Bellamy was killed? She had lost him once, she wouldn't be able to handle losing him again.

Rustling in the bushes made Clarke shoot up.

"Echo" she shock her, "there is something in the bushes, im going to go check it out" Echo nodded and stood with her sword.

Clarke grabbed her knife and walked quietly towards the bush. She walked around it only to be pounced on by someone.

The person held a knife to Clarkes neck and, she stayed still.



A/N I know, I know I haven't posted in ages but please forgive me, I had school and work and I had no time. Hope you liked the chapter.

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