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Clarke POV :

I am sitting in my room in Becca's lab, waiting for Bellamy to wake up. I sit there thinking of all the things that him and I went though and about how much he means to me

What if he doesn't wake up? I think to myself. Getting him back to the lab was difficult. He is heavily then you might think.

6 hours earlier -

Madi and I were out hunting and we decided to see what had changed at the prisoners camp. We stayed within the bushes and made sure we were quiet.

"Do you think we could form an alliance like you did with the grounders" Madi whispers.

"I don't know but they are not getting anywhere close to you. We should go before they see us" Madi nods and we start to walk way, when a hand is held over myself and Madi's mouth.

Doesn't this seem familiar.

Madi screams but it is muffled. We both struggle agains our capturers.

I had managed to elbow my capturer in the stomach but he grabbed me again before we were dragged back to there camp.

"What do you want we us" I finally say when the hand of a tall dark man is removed.

"We want to know everything you know" he says with no emotion in his tone. It reminded me of how people talked when they were being controlled by A.L.I.E.

"We are not telling you anything" Madi spits.

The man grabs her by her neck, she chokes and her words don't form properly.

"Let her go" I scream.

"Don't you ever speak back to me again" he says and drops her to the ground.

We have now been standing her with the man behind us holding our hands for about half an hour.
Finally the same women from a week ago steps out of the ship.

"Oh we meet again Clarke, and this must be Madi" she says as she walks over to Madi and stokes her cheek. Madi try's to pull away but is unsuccessful.

"Stay away from her you bi*ch" I yell. She then walks over to me with a straight face and slaps we. I'm sure it will leave a large red mark. She continued to slap me until my skin starts to split.

They shove me to the ground and then the women begins to walk away with Madi. I try to fight my way to them but I am beaten to the ground.

"Please stop, I don't want you to get hurt" Madi yells, "just go please, I will be fine Clarke"

All of a sudden the man that had been restraining Madi fell to the ground. A large spear sticking out of his chest and blood pouring out everywhere. I turn around to see where it came from, and I nearly fall to the ground because of who I say.

I saw Madi run off into the forest and I am relieved that she listened to what I told her though her training.

The man from earlier grabs me and pulls a knife to my neck.

"Let her go now or I will kill the rest of you" he said while pulling a knife out of his trouser pocket. The knife was similar looking to the one that Charlotte used to kill Wells.

"And how are you supposed to kill all of us, there's one of you and 20 of us", the women scream and I don't know if I was dreaming but I swear I say a bit of fear in her face.

"Five actually" another figure says as he emerges from the trees with three other figures behind. When they came into view I recognised them as no other then Monty, Echo, Emori and Raven.

Monty smiles and then I turn to see Bellamy looking at me. He has a look that shows that he is in disbelief but also happy. Tears fall from my face. But they were tears of joy. I smiled and I know that it was probably the biggest smile I had smiled in a while. And it was definitely the biggest one Bellamy has seen on my face.

I am taken out of my thought when the grip on my hand tightened and I yelled in pain

Bellamy ran at the man and punched him to the ground. When the man appeared to be unconscious we see other prisoners started coming out and we ended up getting in a full on fight to the death.

I was punching and being punched and I could see Bellamy and the other fighting too. Bellamy pulls out a knife and runs at the women in charge and with a quick slice she falls to the ground and bleeds out.

Everyone goes silent before a woman speaks up.

"Okay okay please don't kill us, just take her, she is no use to us anyway, just don't kill us."

Bellamy pulls me into a hug. Happy tears still streaming down my face. I whisper to myself, thank god you okay.

"It can't be you, I thought you d-died. I thought I let you to die. Oh my gosh. Clarke, your alive, your -" he stutters.

Before he could finish he falls to the ground and is unconscious. Monty and Echo helped me drag him out of sight before Monty and Echo grabbed him and picked him up. We hurried back to the rover where Madi is waiting for us. Little was said as everyone was worried about Bellamy.

We get back to the lab and when Bellamy is settled on a bed and I have made sure he was okay, I am drowning in hugs and questions.

"How did you survive"

"Who is the little girl"

"Are you okay"

"Are you and the girl all alone"

"Guys please I will explain everything in the morning but right now I need to rest and you all probably do to, I will show you to some beds and I will answer any questions you have later okay" they all nod and follow me to a room with beds set up.

I had set up this room over a year ago when they were supposed to come down and when they didn't I left it untouched for when they finally did. And today is that day.

Present -
I am drifting of to sleep when Madi runs into the room, catching her breath before yelling with a smile across her face.

"His awake, Bellamy is awake"

A/N Soooo sorry I haven't posted in a while I have just had a lot going on and I need some time, but I'm back and I hope you like this chapter.

Please comment, vote and follow it would be much appreciated and until next time have a great day. Love you all xxx <3

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