Lazy Masquerade

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Every night you would watch him. Well, fall asleep to his sexy voice. Every night you would make time for him, his round, bulbous face made your princess parts tickle. You wanted him to massacre your sweet, tender, baby making machine.

As you were watching him tonight though; something was oddly different, he did not seem like himself, you knew you loved him, and I guess love could do amazing things for you. It was almost crazy, how much you loved him, his hair, beard, double chin. God his stomach must be the heaven of chicken nuggets. His fat rolls must harbor your greatest weakness. Chicken McNugets™, you knew one day you would find out what all he had in his big, luscious stomach. It turned you on thinking about it so you fingered yourself to his videos and ate chicken nuggets.

Days passed and he kept acting strange. Could he possibly know that you wanted his... well, chicken dick? You imagined it being almost chode-like, your favorite. You hoped he did not shave or anything because you wanted your tongue to climb around in his jungle like a monkey.

One day he enunciated that something big was going to happen. You knew he was doing a meet up. He had to be, what else could he be doing?

The day he announced it; you were the first to know, mostly because you were the first one to watch it. You spent your time just watching him, and waiting for his next upload.

You were in luck because as every story goes; he was coming to your area and oh my god you just had to go see him because you loved him and you were certain he would love you just as much but you were so wrong because he hates crazy bitches like you. (You know he probably does not; he just wants pussy because he is an ugly faggot.)

So you just had to meet him, which you did. You met him and you were disappointed, he was a total loser and his voice sounded like he smoked all his life. The only thing good was that you could smell the chicken nuggets. You knew they were in there and there was finna be a treasure hunt for those said Chicken McNugets™. Life was turning out to be pretty good because you got his number, you would text him all of the time and whenever he would ignore you; you would tell him that you were going to kill yourself, which you should have done because nobody liked you and you were turning 18 soon, so you just figured that you could find love later. Or go after your true love. You decided to meet up with him and tie the knot. You were going to propose with the chicken nugget you would masturbate with.

The day came, you were anxious so you popped a few of your dad's xannies to hold yourself over. You met at an amazing park which was relaxing, but even without the relaxing park; you had the Xanax, you probably looked like you had autism but at least you were not nervous anymore, he saw you and waved, so you approached, le nugger in hand. You dropped on your knees and said "DADDY I WANT YOU TO EAT MY PUSSY NUGGET WILL YOU MARRY ME?!"

He declined your marriage proposal and that angered you greatly. You proceeded to shove the nugget down his throat as he begged for mercy. None was given. You kept throat fucking him with a nugget.

(It is not rape if you are both crying.) But you both were crying, he ended up hugging you for comfort as you blew snot into his shirt. He touched it and sniffed his finger, he gagged and said "Holy fuck do you ever brush your teeth it smells like a sewer in there oh my god that is disgusting."

He walked away, leaving you to your own thoughts, they were not very good thoughts. You thought about killing yourself, which would probably be a good thing, everyone thought you were a whore and they were not wrong.

You went to McDonald's one last time. You got your nuggets. You went back to the park, emotionless. You just couldn't take it anymore. So you texted your parents and said your final "Goodbye" to everyone you knew. Life had no meaning, life does not have meaning and it won't. You kept screaming for God, but he would not answer. I guess not even God could save you.

But could your true love? No. If you have not noticed he hates you and he is not going to come on a pony and save you. That is not how life works. You took a final look at your chicken nugget, as tears streamed down your face, you knew you would never see them again. Life after death is just a pointless abyss. You are alone. Not even chicken nuggets can comfort you in death. Why? Because there are no nuggets. Those nuggets are life, and how can life be in death with a person who loved them? It was time to go.

You jumped off of the bridge into the frigid water. The impact did not kill you. It broke your bones, you were paralyzed. There was no going back. You had successfully killed yourself without being dead, nobody knew you were here.

Nobody would even care to look for you. But one person saw you; and his name was Aristos.

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