Chapter 3: This is My House

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Chapter 3: This is My House

I stood up hurriedly and pointed my finger out in front of me to see it this was real. I poked her on the cheek and she seemed to have slapped my hand away. I glared at her deeply.

"So this was the secret you've been keeping from me?!" I shouted. I could not believe this! No way this was happening! Well, I am a witch as well. This would have explained many things too.

"I wanted to tell you, honestly I did. I just never would've thought you would find out this way." Hermione stated.

"But you waited this long? How long were you thinking of telling me?" I asked.

"A-a while," she stuttered. I wanted to slap her in the face for it, but I knew it would be useless. Besides, I wouldn't do this in public anyways. Or would I?

"So you're a witch. . ." I trailed off.

"And you're a witch."

"Do you know what day it is?" I asked, hoping she would remember.

"Yeah," it gave me hope for a second, "It's the 14th of August." Never mind. . . .

"Well, I guess I'll see you," I frowned. I guess she really has forgotten about my birthday.

"Hey, what were you doing with that spell? What spell was it?" Hermione questioned.

"It was an Apparate spell. The only thing I could do since my father left me here." I stated. She gasped in horror.

"You can't use that spell! We're too young for that one yet!" She protested. You mean we have to be a certain age to do specific spells? Yay. Note the sarcasm.

"Well I have no where to go!" I explained.

"Then come stay with me! I'm staying with a friend! Oh, and just wait till you meet Harry and Ron! They'll be so pleased to meet you! Hopefully you might end up in Gryffindor!" She grinned. What?!

~Time Skip~

Two weeks have passed since then and I've been staying at Hermione's house. And let me tell you, it was a complete disaster. She kept teaching me spells (but we didn't do them since we're not allowed to) so I would be caught up.

I explained to her that I would be starting my second year without even my first and she found it rather odd how I didn't start last year. She practically taught me everything I needed to know and I mean EVERYTHING. I'm a fast learner myself, just like Hermione. That must be where I get my smarts from.

We were brought up to London at the train station to go to the platform nine and three quarters.

"But Hermione, there is no such thing as platform nine and three quarters." I informed. She giggled.

"Of course there is, silly. It's right between nine and ten. Now let's hurry before Harry and the others get here. I can't wait to show them to you." Hermione states as we hurried with our trolleys in front of us. We got right between the platform of nine and ten.

"So now what?" I asked.

"We run through this platform and we'll be on our way." She explained. Now this was unbelievable. We both took a running start and went straight through. I gasped in complete awe. No way was this possible!!

Oh my Merlin!!

I began grinning wickedly. I did as exactly Hermione did with her trunk. We then got on the train which was known as the Hogwarts Express and we went to the very back of the train where no one was siting. We say down as waited.

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