t w o

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- t w o -

In the early morning, she was brushing her light strands of hair on her already made bed.

Her notebook resting under her bed, and hiding from any possible danger of being found.

Everything was silent besides the busy street with morning traffic, the scent of her fresh brewed coffee filled the air.

She never really had a proper breakfast now that she thought about it, it would always be her mother that liked to welcome their morning with eggs, bacon and her freshly squeezed juice.

And after her death, she'd never had it ever since. It made her feel a sudden empty spot inside, which most of the time she liked to ignore.

But what made her mornings a little brighter was her coffee mug. It was a white cup with a pink and violet butterfly painted on it, and right under it scripted her mothers name.

It was a Mother's Day present she had gifted her one year, she used it every single morning. And using it for her favorite kind of coffee was the best feeling she would ever get.

Upon finishing her morning routine she carefully slipped her notebook from under her bed and inside her bag.

Taylor liked taking it wherever she went, so whenever she had the chance she could write down a sentence or two.

Usually she had enough alone time to do so, since she did work at an old library.

Her shift lasted from around 9 a.m to around any time in the afternoon. The building was big and half of it was empty since her scrappy town never really maintained it.

The pay she received was appropriate for what she did around the place, but it was never quiet enough to support her and her father.

Since whatever money she could earn, he would take most of it and waste away on his pleasures of alcohol.

But for her, it was different.

Apart from the money for bills and self care, she always remembered to save a few dollars.

For her desire was to buy a guitar that stood in a music shop not so far away.

Every morning she would pass by it and sigh.

Sometimes she thought that even if she did ever get enough money, Scott would never allow her to keep it.

Which is why sometimes she doubted to save the money, but maybe one day he could change.

Just maybe.

Opening the door quietly, she sneaked out of her bedroom and walked down the staircase, every step taken would squeak on the cheap old wood underneath her.

As she rounded the corner of the stairwell, she spotted Scott was already up in the kitchen.

Swallowing hard, she squeezed her eyes shut and walked down the rest of the steps and bid him a silent good morning whilst walking inside the near living room to grab her library shift name tag.

"Good morning."

She quietly greeted.

Scott, with a reddened expression, turned to face her and ran his fingers through his graying hair.

"Aw, look who's finally up, the princess of the house."

Taylor stayed silent.

"Oh, looks like the mice got your tongue? Where in the hell are you going?"

She grabbed her tag from the top counter of the t.v set and carefully set it in her pocket.

"I-I have a shift at the library today."

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