t w e n t y

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- t w e n t y -

She felt the warmth of the sun against her cheek, not long before the stinging began to bother her.

She stirred in her sleep, uncomfortable, the hard surface underneath her felt not so good.

Taylor groaned and shut her eyes tight, wondering why the sunlight came so strongly through her window, which never did until now.

Rubbing her eyes, she opened them weakly due to the brightness.

As she shifted in place, she let out a loud gasp at the realization that she wasn't in her room.
Turning to her side, she was welcomed by a snoring Harry, covered by his jacket and a tangle of big hair.

They had fallen asleep on the roof.

Just how she could've stayed asleep the entire night in the bitter cold and the hardness of the roof was a mystery to her.

How can you fall asleep on a roof?

Remembering last nights events, she smiled and looked over at her Harry.

His position seemed uncomfortable, yet the loud sounds coming from his lips proved the opposite.

After everything he'd told her, she now felt like now she loved him infinitely.

A simple 'I love you' just didn't make it anymore.

Harry had trusted Taylor like no one else. To confide in her like a secret journal, so naked and ever raw. Like he was alone and only the walls could hear his cries.

That was the way Harry expressed himself. The nude of his past was now theirs to share.Never had she felt so trusted and could she ever believe someone could be so good to her.

Maybe there was good in suffrage.

That maybe being sad all the time enhanced the feeling of happiness.

It just made everything more colorful when all wasn't black and white. 

For a moment all the empty feeling in her heart, the feeling as if someone was holding tight in her insides was gone.

Her sighs now didn't give a break from crying or sorrow, they made her feel free, as if she had just fallen asleep from being awake in a nightmare that lasted for days.

She was happy.

Realizing that the boy with the broom made her happy, she leaned down and set a gentle kiss on his lips.Brushing his hair out of his eyes as she did, the sweet sound of their lips parting was enough to catch his attention from slumber.

Setting his weary gaze on Taylor's blue ponds, he smiled and his little dimples did Taylor's favorite thing.

"Goodmorning, my love."

Harry's early voice was deep toned, and it made her insides turn.

"Hi, Harry."

Grunting, he returned her offered smile and sat upright, turning sideways and realizing their position, his eyes widened and he let out a small laugh.

"I'm guessing that we fell asleep, didn't we?"

Taylor shrugged.

"Maybe. But it's no problem I certainly don't mind what people have to say if they've seen us. We're just teenagers right?"

"Indeed we are my Taylor, ever so rebellious, my god we should go drink and graffiti our professor's cars and spit in old men's faces."

The sleepy blonde girl chuckled and nodded.

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