s e v e n

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- s e v e n -

"Tell me about yourself, Taylor."

She gazed froward as they walked side by side on their way to a small grocery nearby, the wind caressing their faces slightly.

She thought for a moment.

"Well, there really isn't much to say."

Harry wondered. She was lying, and was as well a complete mistery, he would find out about her over time.

The song she had written left much more to say. But he wasn't going to tell her just yet.

Over his silent response, it was her turn to ask questions.

"What about you, Harry?

He thought and hummed a small tune while he managed what to say.

"My name is Harry Styles. I like the color blue a lot, but red is also my favorite. Oh, and I work in a cafe."

She laughed quietly.

"Interesting. You're such a mysterious man."

Teasing him she traced her eyes towards him and smiled.

He was looking away, but that's what she thought. Out of the corner of his eye he was watching her, studying her.

"Why the color red?"

His voice turned to a light whisper and he walked slightly closer.

"Because it's the color of love. The color of your cheeks when I turn towards you, the color of a rose."

Taylor's insides gave a turn in her heart, she didn't know what it was.

Why this boy was being so nice to her, it was something foreign.

But she liked it.

The silent covered atmosphere between them was delicate. It wasn't tension filled like it would be in another, it was sweet.

As they rounded a rusted stop sign they held themselves waiting for the cars to clear out, Harry pulled out a note from his back pocket.

"Let's see what we need today."

He sighed and looked carefully over the list.

"Why don't you have delivery over to the café? Wouldn't it be much easier?"

Harry laughed.

"Well my Taylor, I'm simply the boy that sweeps and bakes. My word doesn't really count on the manager."

Replying with a small word they both walked to the other wide of the lonely street and into the grocery store.

Heading all the way to the back, she watched him talk some with one of the workers.

His smile wide and his dimples evident. With shining eyes and his hair was softly situated. He was very good looking, very polite. She wondered if he was with someone.

The absurd thoughts made her think.

Of course he probably did.

She didn't think he came home to no one. As well as for her, it was different.

What would he do if he knew?

Taylor debated on telling him for a second, but caught herself. She couldn't possibly ever, or let him find out. This was her problem and she didn't plan on dragging someone else into it. Scott would kill her if he found about her talking to Harry.

The man would try everything in his power to prevent then from being together. She didn't want to think about the consequences that awaited her if Scott were to see them walking around in the city.

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