s i x t e e n

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- s i x t e e n -

The lump in her throat shook as she stared down and the guitar his sweet hands offered her.

Extended outwards to Taylor, expression pale.

She was shy. One of the things she feared the most was someone finding out about her writing.

She was sure she couldn't sway her voice properly to any tune.

No matter how wonderful it was.

Even though she always sang these songs to herself, there was always that doubt that lingered on.

"Come on lovely, take it."

Once again, Harry waited.

To him she was completely perfect.

And since the day he found her song crumpled on the floor while sweeping, there hadn't been anything more in the world he wished was to hear her song come straight from her lips.

With cold hands, she nervously held the wooden wonder by the neck, and trailed it onto her lap.

She swallowed the anxious build that was in her vocals, and cleared it.

Watching Harry's eyes brighten up when she took the guitar from his hands was simply enticing.

The fact that she made him happy by just accepting something he offered, made her feel tremendous.

She felt proud to take his love along with her, it's what made them both happy.

Deciding to give him the gift of one of her secrets, her light fingers trailed the guitar strings carefully, shaping them together so peacefully.

Familiarity is what she liked about it.

He watched her, the breaths she took, the careful movements her muscles made as she stroke the strings.

Which made him crave for her even more than he already had.

Still amazed, he listened more than he ever had, for the tingle of her voice to his senses.

The tremble of her voice eased as she sang the first words of her song.

But a specific order of words she had written, made him feel infinite joy.

"...and all i've seen, since eighteen hours ago; is green eyes your freckles and your smile..."

It was for him.

More surely as she smiled down at his eyes as she sang them through, it was.

The way she in took her sharp yet calming breaths amazed him, her voice was as sweet as honey.

An early morning coffee with the person you love.

It was fully hers.

Taylor's essence was in her voice which only showed tenderness.

Harry was awed at her amazing ability to compose the lyrics, they had hidden meanings.

That could each make him wonder a thousand new thoughts in his mind.

Scenarios of starstruck lovers, newly met, or longed.

It could've been either one in the song, but for him it was what they were in the moment.

As Taylor finished her sweet melody, he watched the last stroke of the chords, and followed her eyes as they were imprint on his.

She waited for his reaction.

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