n i n e

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- n i n e -

The Tuesday morning's sun rays shined brightly in through the windows.

Emphasizing the never ending, falling specs of dust on the top bookshelves. Wasting away, their wondrous adventures hidden, covert from the world as they silently laid there closed and undiscovered.

Not far away from them, Taylor's own mind traveled over to a place that she grew to know very well over time.


Over the past days, she missed him very much.

She ached whenever she passed by his cafe, knowing that he was in there, awaiting for her and an apology that she knew she owed him. She quickly sped by, he counld't see her, not yet.

By now, Scott's anger had receded, but she had to very careful with everything she did, so he wouldn't suspect anything.

The only thing that kept her hopes up was the idea that soon she would see him again.

Just not now.

Slowly her rosing bruise was fading away back into her soft perplexion. But not fully gone, you could still see the traces of it, and she coulnd't manage him seeing it.

She knew that it would be very hard to lie to him.

Taylor sighed as she stacked another book back into the shelves. Feeling the roughness of the covers made her sense that these books had been here longer than she thought.

The entire morning, Marina had been grumpy, yelling at Taylor for the dumbest things.

And there she went again.


Taylor rolled her eyes and prepared herself for more absurdity.

"Yes, Marina?"

She heard the girls footsteps approaching quickly and she rose from her knees on the floor.

"Taylor, we're out of laminating paper, go get some."

The blonde haired girl questioned.

"What about you? Can't you go?"

Marina scoffed and crossed her arms.

"Please Taylor, I need to stay back here, what if someone robs us?"

She gave her a stern look, as if asking her seriousness.

"Really? Someone's gonna rob a library. That makes sense."

"Just-," she sighed, "go already will you? You've already missed enough work, you doing who knows what is costing me time."

Walking past Marina, Taylor laughed lightly, her attempts of sounding responsible weren't working.

Stopping in her tracks, she asked.

"And where exactly where do I get this laminating paper?"

Marina shook her head and rubbed her temples.

"For god's sake, the print shop?!"

Taylor groaned in annoyance, walking over to the front desk, she grabbed her jacket and made her way out the door.

"Fine. I'll be back soon."

Plopping down in her rest chair behind the check out, Marina opened a basic grocery store magazine and munched on a chocolate pastry.

"Whatever." She spoke with a mouthful.

As Taylor shut the glass doors behind her, the girl behind the desk felt the freezing wind sting her skin. She furrowed her eyebrows and used her light jacket as a blanket.

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