n i n e t e e n

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- n i n e t e e n -

With her eyes still wide in shock, Harry grinned widely, showing off his dimples that she loved to kiss.

Giving her a small wave and a smile that showed nothing but mischief, and trouble.

"Hello, Taylor."

She laughed from his bottom view, shaking her head, not believing what this boy had done.

"Harry, what are you doing!? You almost gave me a heart attack!"

He simply shrugged and gave her a thumbs up.

"Get off of my roof."

The curly haired boy responded with a light chuckle and shook his head.

"Nope, not until you come get me."

Taylor scoffed at his request.

"How about I grab the water hose and maybe that way you'll come down?"

Gasping dramatically, Harry pretended to be hurt.

"Taylor, are you trying to give me pneumonia? It's freezing up here I might say."

"Then get off my roof you mop haired loser."

By the time she finished her sentence, Harry had turned around and disappeared from her view, going further into the roof.

Taylor suddenly felt like she was talking to a child, now she had to go and get him down.

Sighing in annoyance, she pulled her coat tight around herself and walked near the back of the house. The wind had picked up it's cool breeze.

Looking up at the sides, wood cracked and decaying of age, afraid that if she pulled on it too hard, it would all let go and she would not be very welcome on the floor.

Frustrated she kicked a metallic trash can.

"Damn it, Harold. I hate you so much right now."

From far away, she heard Harry call out.

"Hey! I heard that you know."

As she struggled to put her foot on the same trash bin to help herself up, she replied.

"You're not helping a lot per say. And come help me."

Harry came to her view and leaned over from the roof, winking at her.

"Having troubles I see."

Finally managing to get both her hands to pull her up on the bin, making loud clingy noises.

"Yes and you're the reason."

Harry laughed and extended an arm out towards her to hold on to.

On top of the container, were boxes, which helped her reach the height easier, like some type of ladder.

Her shoes sank a little into the weak material yet managed to lift her up.

Grabbing a hold of Harry's extended hand, she pushed herself up as much as she could, grunting noises from both as they tried to complete their mission; Get Taylor On the Roof.

Once she'd accomplished her goal, Harry stood before her smiling widely as she tried to catch her breath.

"See it wasn't that hard now was it? Those boxes helped you out a lot. They were like- nature's steps."

Taylor gave him a look.

"They're not nature's steps if they're boxes Harry, they're man made."

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