t h r e e

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- t h r e e -

He noticed.

But of course he would, her face had been full of her ridiculous tears the entire morning.

She didn't even know him and she had already messed up.

She felt embarrassed yet angry at the same time. It was for sure to her disliking when somebody saw her cry.

What was he even doing outside?

Didn't he see her trying to walk to work?

He must've seen her or heard her approach. Either way now that she thought about it, it probably didn't matter.

It's not like he cared, or anyone.

And it was her fault for not paying attention in the first place.

Completely wiping her tears she gave a deep sigh and faced forward, she wouldn't want to bump into someone again and have them ask this time.

The street was now slightly more crowded and the wind began to blow stronger making her hair fly slightly.

Approaching the library, she stared upwards at the tall building. Old bricks, a trashy front lawn full of dead leaves surrounded all around. She took the small walk way towards the door and was instantly greeted by a shouting woman.


This was the woman that made her life impossible. Marina was primary manager at the library.

She was only a few years older than Taylor, but she acted like she's been working for twenty years.

It would only be her nature to bother her around, every task she had to do she would leave Taylor to do it.

Completely opposite if her, she had dark brown hair and eyes, she would constantly bicker about doing slight jobs and always made sure Taylor stayed for an extra shift.

Once, she had been told by a boy that Marina's bad temper was due to the fact that she was jealous of her.

She thought the idea was oblivious, who would ever be jealous of a girl who had no purpose.

No one.

Besides, Marina never liked her at all.

"Wow Taylor! Aren't you an early bird today!"

She greeted with her sarcastic tone and hands on her hips.

Taylor rolled her eyes and passed by her, heading towards the back of the front check out area beginning to re-stack books.

"Oh and you don't talk either today?"

Giving a heavy sigh, she arched her head backwards in annoyance.

"Listen Marina, I had an incident this morning okay?"

The brunette let out a laugh.

"Yeah, just like every other day right?"

Taylor wasn't in the mood and her patience faded quickly.

"This clearly isn't your issue, just drop it."

Walking over to where Taylor was inserting a card inside a book pocket, Marina shut the cover on her fingers, which caused Taylor to glare in her direction.

"But it's gonna become my issue when I tell Mr.Clark you've been late for the past week."

She scoffed, luckily for her, Mr.Clark actually liked her, and he was also the owner.

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