e i g h t

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- e i g h t -

Lying on her bed, the sounds of wind carrying foreign secrets outside of her window covered her heavy breaths.

He had gone overboard, Scott.

It was all her fault, for coming in late and not having everything ready for him. But she promised it would be the last time, he didn't care.

No longer did she protest her 'no', she stayed silent and took it as it was meant to be.

For no matter how much she begged him not to, it meant nothing to him.

Just like she did.

Screaming and wincing in pain wouldn't make him stop at all. Which is why she didn't even bother any longer.

Ultimately, if she hadn't been so stupid and over confident with Harry, the situation would be different.

It had been a while since Scott treated her like this, until that night.

She could still feel his lingering shocks on her profile.

Striking her over and over again.

As her eyes restlessly went overboard with the song of hurt.

One after another, but one on her lower stomach which made her not able to balance herself.

Sliding down the wall, he was continuing, and it hit her under the eye.

She turned and covered her face, taking his fists on her back. Those didn't hurt.

But the one she received on her upper cheek was stinging as hard as she ever felt.

Finally giving up, Scott cursed her over as he usually does and walked out. Slamming the door ever so loudly.

She could hear it now, closing along with all her strength she had left.

Which hadn't been much.

She could feel only a distinct hope inside. Small and churning inside her heart.

She could feel it was weak, but she believed she could make it.

It was worth fighting for, and she knew it.

Harry proved to her, that maybe it was worth trying, that it was worth holding on just to be happy. The way he smiled towards her and how he adored looking down at her lips made her feel warm inside.

Completely opposite to what she feels at home, trenching cold and abandon. Harry had become her escape.

Her little secret.

And that's why she decided to stop seeing him.

It hurt her heart to such a great extent, she felt cruel for doing it to him, especially after leaving without an explanation.

But she knew that if Scott ever found out that instead of going to work she was having fun with him, Harry would be prized with pain that was meant for her.

After feeling the kindness from him, she cared for him as much as he did for her. She couldn't let Scott touch him, he would also prohibit her from seeing him.

If that happened, then she wouldn't know what to do.

But it wouldn't be for a long while, just enough time to let Scott cool down a bit.

Him not being the only reasoning. By now, Scott's impact must be well inprinted into her soft pale skin. She recalled the pain and felt her cheek throb, there was no hiding this one. And if she saw Harry, he would wonder and ask.

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