t e n

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- t e n -

They stared at the ceiling in unison, tracing small pictures with their eyesight on the high surface.

Both sitting on the library floor with their backs leaned on the shelves.

At moments, they would laugh at absolutely nothing and turn to look at each other, and smile.

It was as if she was dreaming, lying there with Harry.

She'd waited for an eternity to finally see his bright expression, it automatically made her day better.

Every little thing he said mattered to her, it's like he planned what to say and it was spoken perfectly. Harry made her feel secure and at home, the way his hopes vibrated along and were contagious to her, made her heart warm.

The curly haired boy's sigh, interrupted her thoughts.

"Taylor, where have you been? I've been so, lost without seeing you. I thought you might've hated me."

She turned his attention to him, and smiled warmly.

"I could never hate you, even if I tried. You're the one who's supposed to hate me."

He noticed her dejected tone, furrowing his eyebrows, he turned his body towards her and crossed his legs under him, just like she had.

"Don't ever say that, there's nothing to hate about you."

"But, I left you, so abruptly-"

"No, that doesn't matter anymore, I've got you here with me, and that's what matters."

She pulled her blonde strands behind her ears and chuckled slightly.

The rose shade arose from her cheeks and Harry wished to caress them, he'd missed it.

Interrupting his lost gaze on her, Taylor got up and dusted her dark jeans and faced the book shelves.

"Well, if you'll excuse me, these amazing books await on an organizer who so happens to be me."

Harry followed her and pouted.

"What? What about me? What do I do?"

"You can go back to Blake, he's probably angry now, you should go."

Crossing his arms across his chest, he gave her a stern look, serious tone.

"No, I'll wait here till' your shift is over."

Looking inside a book, flipping through it's pages searching for a call number, Taylor spoke in a sad tone.

"Harry, my shift is long from ending. I really need to do this, money has...been hard to accumulate lately and that relies on me."

Leaning over to take a peek of what she was doing, Harry questioned.

"What about your parents? Don't they work?"

As his question lingered in her mind, she stayed quiet, avoiding the conversation. For she did not want to talk about it, it was her personal life and hers only.

Thinking of Scott, she swallowed hard, a knot forming in her throat.

I don't have parents, the term family is unknown, long gone.

Changing their conversation, she tried to make her tone lighter.

"Could you hand me my glasses? They're behind the counter, near the blue stapler."

Nodding quietly, Harry followed her orders and ran over to get her needs. His mind searching for why Taylor avoided the question. But he wanted to get an answer.

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