t w e n t y - o n e

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- twenty one -

The dawn of the night was beginning as they sat in the kitchen. The only sound heard was the quiet sound of the stove.

The small fire making a small cracking noise every once in a while; inside a pot was macaroni and cheese.

Taylor and her Harry had spent the day together. The day before Harry had stayed at work until two in the morning, Blake making him empty out all the boxes of flour they had, and re-stack them back into their proper places. It was a physically demanding job and his muscles had been sore, and for some reason, he felt a pain in his heart. Brushing the thought away, he looked over at Taylor, who was busy writing away in her blue, worn out journal.

He stared. Watching her every detail and her black pen carefully wrote lyrics on the yellow paper, due to it's age.

The way her fingers curved around the pen, and delicately pressed on the journal. Her movements, the way she would purse her lips and tap on the table when she couldn't figure out the next word to write.

How her hair lied on her shoulders, and cascaded down when she shifted her position.

Looking at her in this natural state, brought him back to the very first day he'd spoke to her at the café.

How she seemed so fragile, small and scared sitting at the table.

Since then the look in her eyes had changed, before her moments were so afraid. Now when Harry turned to her, she seemed determined, like she had a propulsion.

In that sudden moment, his heart flared into a feeling he could never imagine could over take him.

Taking Taylor's pen from her hand, he gently closed the journal, and held her face in his hands.

She stayed quiet and waited.

He ran his thumbs on her soft cheeks, which began to turn that familiar rosy color he adored.
Smiling, he leaned in and kissed it. Placing small kisses on either side, nothing but the sounds of his lips against her skin could be heard.

He began tracing further back onto the side of her jawline, making a trail of colors light up inside the blue eyed girl, who's shining ones had been closed in the feeling of it.

The touches of his lips on her skin made her insides tingle and her blood traveled warm.

She reached out and dug her hands in the brown clutter of his hair, encouraging him on, the sensation was addicting. Like staring at the sun, knowing that it harmed your sight, but difficult to take your eyes off of. It was completely enticing.

Leading his lips from the end of her neck, their edges met in a collide of red lips and rosy cheeks. Warm breath surrounded them as their embrace heated. Taylor felt herself go hazy and weak, her knees almost shaking as she felt Harry's curious hands trail along her plaid dress, and onto her hips, holding her waist tightly.

His hands were a wonderful feeling on her body, just making her want more of him. She wanted them to discover more, for she had never felt something like it before.

As Harry's lips uncovered her own, and feelings pressed against their hearts. Driving them both into a passion of insanity for each other, but both of them wanted it.

Taylor's soft hands traced down his back and made their way to the front of his shirt, gripping the fabric on his chest, she felt him groan under her lips. Which only excited her further.

Suddenly she felt Harry grab hold of her behind, and lift her up onto the table.

Pushing away the journal and an old red coffee mug with his forearms, he pressed against her as his lips devoured her own.

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