Sea? Nothing Happened!

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Near's P.O.V.

I know it might have been wrong for me to abandon (Y/n) at MgRonalds by climbing out the bathroom window, but I had to. Besides, Mellow and Yuki are with her. I had to go speak privately with L. 

I had walked back to L's apartment, acutely aware of how dark and underpopulated the streets were. If (Y/n) were to walk this way by herself, I'm certain something...bad...would happen. Good thing she's not.


Fuck, I bet I just jinxed it. I need to keep my mouth shut. Regardless, I didn't turn back. I had to speak with L. There was nothing that could stop me. Not even death. ... I just jinxed it again didn't I?

Your P.O.V.

Okay, I've had it with this shit. For two FUCKING hours I sat here and he still hasn't came out. You know what? I'm leaving! Conscience, you think it's about time we hightailed it to, right?

Clam, listen, If you were taking the biggest dump of your lifetime, you'd want people to leave. Not saying that you should, cause, I mean, he is your buoyfrond.

He is not my boyfriend.

He's your buoyfrond.

Buoy...Frond? Are you making sea puns?

Maybe I am. Maybe I ain't. It's all the Seame to you.

Seame? You mean same?

Cod, fu--yes. SIGH, you are horribubble at puns.

No I'm not! I am dolphinitely sure I am just as good at puns as you are!



...This is why I love you, clam. Now get out of this stinking, heart diseased place. You'll catch Sea-bola.

Alright, that was enough talking to myself. I gotta get going. I went out into the main area and, lo and behold, there was no one. I think the place was supposed to have closed a long time before now, but that Sadou(?) guy that was at the counter didn't have the heart to kick me out. That girl probably did though.

Well, I think it's time I leave. 

Wow, it sure was cold out here. And quiet. A lot of people probably died here. Why did that thought come to mind? It was probably nothing. Maybe. Hopefully. Er...

Oh! I bet I should go back home~! You know, before I get kidnapped. Or abducted by aliens. Which is no laughing matter, mind you. I remember that when I was younger it happened to me. They stuck something right in my thumbs! I think it's how they track me. Whatever.

So, I did the only thing I could think of. Run back home as quickly as possible. Oh! But, before I got home, I bumped into Ryuk. I think he was trailing behind Light, but I didn't see him anywhere.

"Hey Ryuk!" I yelled, running over to him. He seemed startled, then started acting a bit strange.

"Oh..! Uh, how's it goin'? Er...You look pleasant enough for a human?" He said, though, it seemed more of a question t himself rather than a statement for me. He looked at me awaiting my response.

"Uh...Thanks?" I said, unknowing of the shadowy figure approaching behind me. He glanced behind me but nodded to me.

"Er...Why aren't you with your other half?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow.

"You mean Yuki?" He nodded. "Well, she and Mello left me at MgRonalds while I was waiting for Near. I can't believe they would do that! I mean, they just abandoned me! Who does that?"

Suddenly, someone grabbed me from behind. I flipped out. Before I could get away from whoever it was, and rag was slammed against my face and held there. Shit, I'd have to be an idiot not to know it was chloroform! I tried not to breathe in, but whoever it was kicked me in the back. I gasped, and accidentally took a deep breath. Fuck.

"I'll never abandon you..." They said, pulling away the rag, but still holding onto me.

"Light! You fuck, why did you do that!" There were black dots in my eyes. Damn, why did this work so fast?!

"..." He didn't say anything. My vision was starting to go black. So, in a last act of rebellion, I growled.

"Fuck you....Imagay..."

I blacked out, just as I realized that he could have inferred that last line in two different ways.

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