Chapter 5

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** Hayes' POV & Thoughts **

I can't believe Jackie and Nash are making me stay home and work with Angie. Ugh their worse than mom!

How am I suppose to tell my beautiful girlfriend that I can't go on the date? I can't believe this is happening to me.

"Have fun in school, and pay attention in class guys, especially you Hayes" Nash said to us.

Angie and I got off and she went to her locker by herself because I ditched her because Ana was more important right now.

I saw Ana sitting by friends and she pulled me into a hug.

"Hey, Ana. I'm sorry but I can't go on our date tonight" I said with a sad tone and I really did mean it.

"Oh why not?" she asked back.

"My brother is making me stay home and get my grades up" I said to her.

"Oh wow. Who are you going to work with?" she asked.

"Angie, we have to work with each other" I said to her, hoping that she wouldn't get mad.

"Oh Angie Nelson the bitch?" she asked me

"Uh yea.. you can come work with us?" I asked her.

"Sorry can't babe. My mom won't let me" she said

"Oh, don't be mad. I'll make it up for you?" I asked her.

"Okay fine" she said and she kissed me and she went to her class.

I caught up with Angie and she was already in Math class.

I sat next to her and she was just writing her notes down, why can't I stop looking at her...


** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

I was walking to lunch and I had to go the bathroom, and I went.

I bumped into Ana, I hated her so much, I really didn't want drama so I walked past her.

She grabbed my wrist, and made me look at her in the eyes, which I wanted to give a black eye.

"WTF! Why are you trying to take my boyfriend?" She asked me and her little minions were whispering slut to me.

"I'm not?" I said which came out more like a question.

"Why are you making excuses to be with him? He will never like you, just looked at yourself and look at him. He's perfect and you look like a fuckin whale." she said with a laugh.

"Look you have a serious problem, just leave me alone" I said. I wanted to cry, I really don't know why. I don't like Hayes, I wouldn't want to go out with him.

"Just watch your back because you're going to regret, standing up to me and if Hayes and I break up, it's gonna be your fault!" she said and shoved me against the lockers.

I just sighed and walked away, I really don't want drama so I won't tell Hayes.

I decided to just sit down in the bathroom stall, and just sit there alone. I was sitting on down and I got a text from Hayes:

H: Hey where you at?

A: Why?

H: Oh just.

A: Have fun with Ana.

He read the text and didn't reply back. I just hope Ana and him don't break up for some reason.


**End of School**

**Hayes' POV & Thoughts**

I can't believe Ana dumped me! This is all Angie's fault, she's going to pay. She's such a jerk, I can't believe she bitched at Ana for no reason!

And now I have to work with her all day until we get our grades up.

I was waiting outside the front doors for Angie, until I got a text message from Nash:

N: Hey dude, you and Angie will have to walk today


N: Jackie and I have some errands to run, so please take care of Angie.

H: Fine

N: She better not get hurt dude.

H: Yea, yea , whatever.

N: Bye, have fun studying.

**Angie's POV & Thoughts **

I was walking to my locker to put my things away and I got a text message from Jackie:

J: Hey, sorry you and Hayes are gonna have to walk

A: Why?

J: Nash and I have some errands to run, so stay close to Hayes, he'll keep you safe. okay?

A: Fine

J: have fun studying, got to go bye.

I walked out and I walked up to Hayes, and he immediately started bitching at me


"Hayes. . . It's not really what it seems like" I defended.

"Whatever, you're such a bitch. Why do you have to fuck up my life? I hate you so much!" he said.

He hates me. . .

I didn't react because I started running back home. I couldn't believe that he believed her and not me.

I was running and Hayes didn't even try to catch up with me or anything . . . I guess he really does hate me.

I about to run pass a street but a car drove by and stopped and was like following me around and I decided to keep on running but that's when I felt something hard hit the side of my body and I felt like I was flying and I fell asleep . . .

A/N: Thanks for reading! Vote and Comment!

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