2 ~ Welcome to the Wizarding World

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After jumping on Percy to get out of bed, and finally getting the Pegasus under control (which didn't take long after we woke up Percy) we were finally -gulp- flying to London.

As soon as we reached the ground, I kissed it. I heard Hazel and Nico giving silent prayers. Annabeth looked at the note Hecate had given us.

"We have to find.. the Leaky Caldron." We looked at the street. We were at the right place, but there was no leaky caldron.

"Maybe its old and was knocked down?" Suggested Frank. Seeing as he was the only one not dyslexic, I believed him. But I wouldn't give up.

Maybe he missed it? I concentrated really hard on the shop signs. Then, just a glimpse, I saw it. I just knew it, without looking at the sign, but it disappeared.

"There!" I shouted, some people looked at me like I was insane. "Keep walking" I growled.

"Where?" Percy asked.

"Ahh! I just saw it."

"Maybe it's like the mist? Concentrate really hard guys" Annabeth suggested.

We all must have seen it because everyone's eyes widened. We all walked up to it.

The bartender smiled when he saw us. "Students?" We nodded. He lead us to a wall behind the shop. He tapped a pattern on the wall, and it turned into an archway.

"Sick!" Leo said. I could practically hear gears clicking in his brain.

"Where to first, wise girl?" Percy asked.

"Well, we need to get wizard money, so.... Gringotts." She pointed to a huge, white building.

As we walked over, Annabeth stopped dead in her tracks. "What?" I asked.

"I just remembered, the bank is run by Goblins, so don't freak out. Oh, and it travels underground." The goblins didn't freak me out, but when she said we were going into Hades domain, Jason, Percy and I paled.

"Do you have a key or permission?" A goblin asked when we walked in the door.

"Umm.." Annabeth checked the back of the note Hecate gave us, and noticed another note pinned to the back. "That's odd, that wasn't there before.." she muttered.

"Here." She passed the Goblin the note. He did something with it behind his desk to confirm the signature, I guessed.

"Very well." He called to another goblin. When it walked over it asked "who's vault first?"

Hazel raised her hand. "Very well, this way please."

"Hmm.. 2 carts." 2 carts rolled down the track. I heard Jason gulp. "5 in the front, 5 in the back."

Percy, Jason and I neared Nico and Hazel. "I'll go with them." She smiled at Nico. "Frank will be the fifth"

"Frazel!!" Piper squealed. "Ahhh! Help!" Jason ran up and held her hand. But quickly split apart to be in the safe carriage.

The vaults had a mystery question only we would know for each of our vaults. Some of the questions really hit home. Like 'what constellation is Zoë' or 'who sacrificed themselves to destroy the princess andromeda' We were all a little torn up afterwards. (Sorry for reminding)

After leaving gringotts, with bags (that Leo pulled out of his tool belt) of what we learnt to be galleons, sickles and knuts, we went to buy our wands.

"Ollivander's" Frank said as we neared the store. "That's what you said didn't you Annabeth?"


"What's wrong wise girl?"

"It's just, how our we going to explain not having wands. I know we're 'exchange students' but isn't it too suspicious?"

"We'll improv' it's what we do best!" Exclaimed Leo as he wandered cheerfully through the door.

"Ahh! Demigods!" Said the man who must be Ollivander.

"How-?" Leo started to ask.

"Oh! My family goes way back! The first living Wizards, the demigods of Hecate! I think I'm the only one who believes, besides Dumbledore of course!"

"Oh, great!" I didn't know if I meant it as sarcasm or not, but either way, the comment would've made sense.

"Percy first..." he tried a few wands, then decided to go for the obvious: Poseidon. "Holy driftwood with mermaid hair. 11 inches, slightly flexible"

"Annabeth...Cypress, owl feather. 9 inches, fairly flexible." It went on like this. Pretty much the obvious, stating back to our parents, well for the cores atleast. Jason: Pegasus hair, Leo: Phoenix Feather, Piper: Dove Feather, etc. Wow shocker!

"Nico... how interesting you should own the wood of this wand, when death itself gave a wizard a wand from this exact tree. Thestral hair, 10 inches.."

"Thalia!" I turned. Please! I prayed, please, please, please don't. "Ah! This might work!" I waved it like the others had done, I felt warmth in my fingers.

"Yes! Pegasus hair! Just as I thought!"

"And the wood?" Percy asked, smirking.

"Pine!" No!!!! Percy, Leo and Nico burst into laughter. The others smiled. I glared at them all, left my money on the table and left the shop. The others came out after a few minutes of thanking him.

"Haha! Pinecone Face! Pinecone Face!" Nico started screaming.

I screamed at him in Ancient Greek.

"You little asshole Death Breath!"

"Haha! You should've seen your face!"

"You wouldn't want to see your face when I'm finished bashing it!"

"Try me!"

"Oh no!" I heard Annabeth say, as I lunged at Nico. I could feel peoples eyes on me but I didn't care. After rolling around, in a mess of me punching, and Nico trying to kick me off, Annabeth and Percy finally managed to get us apart. We cursed at eachother in Ancient Greek, to the on lookers confusement. Percy rolled his eyes.

"Shut up!" He yelled at us. Then in English: "Stop fighting so we can actually get on the train in time!"

After we got our books, a very angry Nico shadow-traveled us to King's Cross. And we went on trying to find platform '9 3/4'

Finally Annabeth, the only one with brains, well considering her mum you have to cut us some slack, pointed out 4 people coming into the train station, all with trolleys like ours. She walked over and asked a boy who looked a little like Percy, except for his glasses and scar, how to get onto the platform. They had a little conversation, gesturing to us. I was just out of earshot but I think she was introducing us and explaining we're the exchange students.

She came over, and told us what to do. And we ran onto the platform.

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