14 ~ My Father

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Creds to artist ^^

Hey guys... I don't think I've updated this since... January. Sorry for the inconvenience.
But honestly, I'm kinda over this book and I have major writers block.
And I'm also kinda over fan fiction writing too.

I will, however, finish this book for my readers, and my other fanfic (MLB). After that I will continue writing my own stories.
My own stories consist of Fantasy, Romance, Adventure and Action.
If any of those genres interest you please check them out.

Anyways, you're probably over my ranting so I'll get on with the book.


The dark hallways of the castle seemed to blacken as I walked among them. The night sky was filled with black clouds, successfully hiding the stars in the pitch black darkness, creating the illusion that the sky was empty.

Warmth and happiness had left my heart the moment he left too.

As I walked along, letting my footsteps drown out my thoughts I heard more footsteps. I listened to my breathing pattern and noticed their was another match echoing down this corridor.

I stopped, as did the other. I turned around and held my ring at the ready.

Pure platinum hair was face to face with mine. I hadn't noticed how close we were.

"Hello." Malfoy said. Evil dripping from his voice.

I grunted a reply. Instantly, I was thrown up against the wall held by his arm.

"Now that's not very nice." He said darkly. Suddenly, from every open arch of the corridor, came his pals from Slitherin.

There was atleast twenty of his goonies.

"So, we heard little brave boy here," he said, looking around at his gang, yet the sentence was aimed towards me. "Is gay."

The boys and girls laughed, although one of them sounded forced.

"So what? You're gonna hold it against me that I like someone?" I asked, hatred was a clear factor in my voice. Obviously they saw Will and I, there was no point denying it. I just hated the fact that someone who wasn't a friend of mine knew it.

Malfoy snickered. "Brave. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I think I hate you more than Potter." He snarled.

"I'm honored." Malfoy snapped his head towards mine. He obviously hated someone snapping back at him.

He smirked. "You'd be happy my father's not here."

"What would you're father do?" I twisted my ring with my thumb, my black sword appearing. One of the boys beside Malfoy saw it, but the others had their eyes trained on my face.

"My father would kill you."

"Doubt it." The others snickered, yet one or two murmured softly.

"Well what makes you think that?" Malfoy's smirk had faltered for a minute.

"He wouldn't be able to. And even if he somehow managed to beat me, my father wouldn't let him. And kill him in the process."

Malfoy's smirked dropped.

"With. One. Finger." I said, just to build up more anger.

"Impossible. Do you know who my father is?" He said, a fake smirk replacing his true one. He tried to keep his body from shaking, not from fear, but from anger.

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