5 ~ Dark Arts and Tea Leaves

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By viria13 on tumblr! Check them out their art is amazhang! ^^


This Hogwarts is amazing! The amount of things I can build if I just switch out the magic and make it something technical. The money I could sell things for!

We were getting our schedules today. To be honest I was kind of excited. It's not like we'll be learning English, Math and crap.

When we got down for breakfast (finally, because Percy took forever again) Ron gave me a suspicious glare. I was just about to point it out but I was handed my schedule.

I compared it to the others and we all had the same.

1. Herbology

2. Potions

3. Muggle Studies


4. History of magic

5. Defense against the dark arts

6. Divination


"Huh? I never signed up for muggle studies?" Ron said to Hermione, he must have the same classes as us too.

"Dumbledore made it compulsory again because of last years...teachings"

"Ohhh. I still don't think it needs to be though, they were death eaters, no ones gunna believe them except maybe Slytherin" Ron argued.

Percy must have been listening too because we both cracked up. "Th-Thanatos eaters!!"

"Who would want to eat Thanatos?" I laughed in Ancient Greek.

"I've met the dude, he's not that appetizing."

"What are you saying?" Harry looked over.

We realized a heap of people around us were staring too.

"Um, our school teaches Ancient Greek and Greek Myths. We believe that Hecate created Wizards so, we were laughing about Thanatos, not wanting to eat him."

The others nodded in agreement. After they stopped staring Piper slapped me on the back of my head. "Holy Hephaestus! That hurt!"

We gave our offerings and ate. Then we walked off to Herbology.

Ron looked back at us, whispered something in Harry's ear then turned around and waved. I don't know what's up with him, but I don't think he likes us.

When Professor Sprout saw us walk in she smiled. "Lovely to see you, dears!"

She turned and addressed the class. "Today we will be harvesting bubotuber pus!" The class groaned. "Now, I know you find this very unpleasant, but Madam Promfrey is in need of them, since well, some students don't like to wear make-up, and others prank eachother using Weasley's Wizard Weezes!"

Ron laughed, then stopped off Professor Sprouts glare.

I got to admit, this was highly disgusting, and not what I thought wizarding schools taught. Nico didn't do it, I suppose Sprout was one of the heads of house, so she gave him another job, since he gets nervous and plants seem to shrivel up and die.

"Well, that was fun" I said sarcastically, after walking out the door and getting handed homework. "Do you think it'd be cheating if I IMed a Demeter kid and they gave me the answers?"

"Yes!" Annabeth shrieked. "You can always ask me anyway!"

"Oh yeah, wisdom daughter and all."

She slapped me. "Shut up!"

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