1 ~ Wizards and Deformed Pig Skin?

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Not my art!!^^

This is my first ever fanfic!!! So I'll be updating asap, the first few chapters I'm gunna try to do tonight!

Also, to go with the plot:
* Fred, Dumbledore, Sirius and Snape are Alive!!!!
* Chiron and Dumbledore are friends
* The rest you will find out if you keep reading



We were all rolling on the floor laughing our asses off. "Hog-Warts?"

Earlier today, Chiron had told us to meet him in the Big House. To my absolute disappointment since I was enjoying a quiet afternoon with Annabeth before she dumped a load of work on my head so we can study at Camp Jupiter together.

"Another QUEST!!" We shouted in unison after Chiron informed the seven, Thalia, Nico and Clarisse.

"Calm down!! I know that you seven have just come back from war, but let's just say this quest is an easy task-"

"What is easy about a quest?" Clarisse yelled, and everyone started erupting into protest.

"QUIET!!! As I was saying, this task will be easy-don't interrupt-you will go to a school and make allies with the witches and wizards."

We all looked at eachother, silently. Then burst into laughter. "W-wizards?"

"The ones with pointy hats, flying broomsticks and long pointy sticks running around yelling abracadabra?" Leo asked, trying to calm himself down, though the comment made the laughing worse.

After we all calmed down, smirking slightly and every now and then giggling a tiny bit, Chiron cleared his throat. "Yes the Wizards with the pointy hats and the broomsticks!! Oh, please tell me that you wouldn't laugh if you didn't know you were demigods and I told you the Gods were real!"

Silence. He had a point. "As I was saying. The Wizards just came out of a war, and my friend Albus Dumbledore has requested we join forces, since we have experienced 2 major wars over the past couple of years. If we make allies with the Wizards, then we can prevent the wars going as haywire as the last few."

"Just a question." Annabeth piped up. "How are we supposed to go on this quest if we don't have any magic? I assume the Wizards would have magical boarders to stop regular mortals from accidentally stumbling across the school?"

"Before you answer that," Clarisse said as Chiron opened his mouth, "How are we supposed to go on a quest in the first place if we don't have a prophecy."

"2 reasonable questions. First, to answer yours Annabeth, Hecate will be arriving soon. She will bless you with magic and tell you the things I am unaware about. And to answer yours, Clarisse, well, I suppose that's why we have Rachel." He turned to Nico. "Will you go fetch her for us? And-uh-try not to get...distracted" ;)

After a while, Nico returned with Rachel, who looked like Nico  had just pulled her out of a painting class, since she had paint stains up her arms and on her clothes. "What!" She looked extremely angry.

We all sat there staring at Rachel.

"Do something!" Leo poked her arm.

"I'm not a toy! Besides, I can't just turn this thing o-" I'm pretty sure she was going to say 'on' but she started puking green mist.

10 strong half-bloods shall explore the magic world
Forces combined face threats of the underworld
The scar, the brains and the bond rise
Will end in one of traitorous demise
The war will be fought together or apart
As worlds combined will end the start

We all sat in silence and processed this.

"Traitorous demise? I don't like the sound of that." Clarisse blurted.

"Together or apart? Sounds like we have to get them on our side otherwise we'll fight against them" Piper pointed out.

"Will end the start? What's that supposed to mean?" Annabeth said. Putting her cute thinking face on.

"STRONG HALF-BLOODS YEEEEAAHH!!!" Leo said, flexing his guns. They were small, compared to Jason, Frank and I, but for a kid his size, they were quiet impressive.

"Shut it Repair Boy, or I will flex my guns in your face!" At 'face' Clarisse slammed her hand on the table. Leo backed away, whimpering like a dog.

"Ahh, Yes! Lady Hecate!" We followed his gaze out the window and saw a purple blur swim across the sky. As it entered the Big House we kneeled, when I looked up, I saw the purple mist combine into Hecate, the magic Goddess.

"Children, stand. As Chiron, I'm sure has told you, you will be attending a wizard school. The name of the school you will be attending is Hogwarts"

In a matter of milli-seconds we were rolling on the floor laughing our asses off. "Hog-warts?" Even Chiron suppressed a smile.

"Yes! This is hardly a laughing matter!" Hecate snapped and we stopped laughing suddenly. "As I was saying, you will be attending this school. First you will go to diagon alley, and obtain your magical appliances. Then you will go to the train station, board at platform 9 3/4. Unfortunately, you will be on your own from there. The Headmaster Dumbledore will explain from them on. He has informed the Heads of House that you are Demigods. To everyone else you are Wizards. Wizards come in 3 different kinds, let's just say, pure-blood, half-blood and muggle-born. For the sake of the camp, just say you are half-blood. In case you accidentally let slip. Muggles are non magic people, so try not to say mortal. You will say you came from Camp Mageia, also to avoid any accidental slip ups. Now, I give you all my blessing. What am I forgetting.... ah, Yes! You may be able to use wands and spells, but these will not work on Greek Monsters. Any questions?"

I tuned out of some of it, and so did Leo, since he was fiddling with something in his hands. But Annabeth asked "There's, um, no platform 9 3/4."

"I sense you will know what to do when the time comes. Now children! Have a dreamless sleep, as you will be leaving early tomorrow. I have written a list on what to do and buy in Ancient Greek. The train will leave at 11:00 so be ready." And with that, she turned into purple mist and left out the window.

"I believe she has covered it all! The Pegasus will be ready, you will fly to England tomorrow. Have fun Children!"

As we left, it was dinner. I didn't realize that time had gone so fast. After dinner, and a goodnight kiss from Annabeth, I walked into my cabin. "Hogwarts" I giggled, and passed out.

**Future author reading this**
FIRST CHAPTER SUCKSSS! The rest of the book gets wayyyyy better, even though there's like a billion other better writers out there than me.

Thanks for reading my first chapter guys!

Sorry it's really short and really bad but the story does get better!

Anyways, bye! (For now)

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