3 ~ A Bumpy Ride

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Credit to artist ^^


Harry, Hermione, Ginny and I found a compartment, which was quite big, like it could fit another 10 people. But since we were repeating, due to the war, I guess they had to expand the train. I was quite happy to spread out across 4 seats.

"Ron! What if there are other people who need a seat!" Hermione shreiked.

"I doubt 10 kids would show up and say 'Everywhere else is full'"

I spoke too soon.

10 kids about our age stood at the door, and asked if they could come in. "Everywhere else is full." Said a guy who looked a little like Harry, but a bit more muscular and tanned, and of course without the glasses and scar.

"I've never seen you guys around before." I said.

"They're exchange students from America." Harry remarked.

"How'd you know that?" Hermione asked him.

"We met on the platform. When they asked how to get to 9 3/4. This is Annabeth."

The blond haired girl waved. "This is Percy, my boyfriend." She said kissing him.

"Wise girl, I can introduce myself." He pecked her on the lips. "Well, yeah, I'm Percy Jackson." He waved his arm at the boy across from him, but he cut him off.

"Jason Grace." As he put his arm across the girl next to him, who introduced her to be Piper as he nuzzled her neck. I half listened to the rest of the names, I know it was rude, but I'd find out at the sorting. I was just thinking incredulously, Percy and Jason both had black markings on their arms. They moved to fast for me to see, but they were the right size and shape. (I know Jason has like a billion more lines then Percy, but just go with it)

After a they introduced them selves, we introduced us. Harry last. They didn't react when they heard his name.

"Uh.. did you hear him? He's Harry Potter!"

"Yeah, we heard him. What's so special?" Jason asked.

"He's the guy who defeated..v-Voldemort." I'm not scared saying his name, but it's just a habit not saying it.

"Voldey what now?" Said the guy who I think introduced himself as Leo.

"So you haven't heard what happened last year?" Hermione asked, equally schocked.

"Nope, well. We did hear there was a war, but not much detail. We had our own....problems." Piper said.


They looked at eachother and exchanged looks. And just then, the door slid open, and our favourite person stood at the door.

"Draco" I growl.

"Oh, its Potty, Mudblood, and my two favourite Weasils. And some-" he looked at the looks of disgust on the exchange students faces. "Hostages."

He glared at them all, trying to sum up whether he'll be mean to them or not. "What are you?"

"Huh?" They said in unison.

"Pure-blood, half-blood or mudblood?"

"Half-blood" they said together again. I was now really confused. All half-blood?

"I suppose it's better than Mudblood or blood traitors. So, which side is purest? Mother or Father."

All of they looked uneasily at eachother. "My mum's dead." Leo said, fighting back a tear. "So's mine." Nico, Thalia, Hazel and Jason said, I think those were their names?

"Am I supposed to feel sorry for you guys?"

"They never said that." Percy stood up. He wasn't shaking with fear or anger or anything. He looked perfectly calm.

"Percy, he's not as weak as he looks." Ginny said, death staring Malfoy.

"Pff, he doesn't scare me. What's your name?"

"Draco Malfoy. And don't think your anything special, half-blood. Just because you got some wizard blood in you, doesn't mean your all of a sudden better then us pure-bloods!"

Percy tilted his head. "You sound like a mummy's boy."

"How dare you! I'll tell my father and he will destroy your father."

"Try it, nose bleed. My dad would whip your fathers ass straight into hell." Nico stated, without fear. The others laughed at Malfoy. I don't know why they think his dad's way better than Malfoy's, they haven't even met him!

"Oh yeah! And-what's with the nickname? Couldn't think of anything better?" He smirked.

"Nope, just stating the facts."

"Huh? My nose isn't bleeding?" At that Nico punched him.

"Now it is." He sat down like he did that everyday, and the others ignored it too.

"How dare you! You filthy half-blood!" They laughed. "My father will hear about this!" Thy laughed even harder.

"C'mere" Thalia stood up and marched over. "Let's have some fun!" Malfoy ran down the corridor, and Thalia threw, what looked like lightning bolts from her fingers. I blinked to see if I was seeing right, but she was already gone.

"I'll go after her!" Nico said joyfully.

"Oh no you don't!" Annabeth and Percy stood up and chased him out the door.

"Oh! I'm so watching this!" Clarissa and Leo ran out too. The others shrugged like this was an everyday thing.

"I guess you guys would want some time to talk." Piper said. "So we'll leave you guys alone." The other 4 walked out leaving just Harry, Hermione, Ginny and I alone in a previously-full, 14 seater compartment.

"There's something odd about them." Hermione said.

"No kidding!" Harry said. "Did you hear how they thought Nico's Dad was way better than Malfoy's even without knowing the guy?"

"I don't really care, as long as they can get rid of Malfoy. But what was strange, was when they said they were all half-blood. I know half-blood is the most common blood type, but at least one or two would be muggle-born or pure-blood."

"And did you see the black marks on Percy's and Jason's arms?" They all looked at me. "When they were introducing themselves."

"I don't think they'd be death eaters Ron, they didn't know who Voldemort was, and they didn't know Malfoy!"

"Explains why they think Nico's father is better than Malfoy." Harry argued.

"I don't know. I don't think they follow Voldemort, but something's definitely up with them."

"You don't think, that maybe there was a war in America, but instead the bad guys won, and there undercover to take over England?"

"I don't know. Anything's possible at this stage. We need to get close enough for them to trust us, though."

Our conversation soon died when the Americans entered the compartment. "Well, we managed to piss off a bunch of kids and the driver, leave a few burnt marks on the floor, and possibly are expelled before we even get to school! All in a days work!" Leo summed up. It sounded like this was a usual thing. Constantly in trouble and being happy about it? Evil: Check!

"We'll be there soon. We better get changed." Hermione pointed out.

We pulled up at Hogwarts not long after. The new students all looked at the Thestrals. "What are they."

"Thestrals" Nico said. Then he said something in another language.

"Oh." They said, and winced. Nico probably told them that you can only see Thestrals if you've seen death. Also checks the being in a war box. Why he said it in another language beats me, but that 'language' could be a code. Codes for evil people undercover: tick! These guys are really bad at pretending to be good.

We got in our carriages and we driven off to Hogwarts.

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