13 ~ Quick Visits

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There's a small artist tag in the first frame but I can't read it! Creds to owner ^^



And I'm thinking of wrapping this book up, no more than 10 chapters...
Oke, well this is about halfway, but after another 1-2 chapters the story will start to... get a plot. It's more like after these fun filler-chapters it will start to fall into a story setting up for the finish.

And yes, in that time the Demigods will be revealed as Demigods.
(Heh heh, turn GOD around and it's Demidogs, like Demodogs/Demogorgans like Stranger Things, anyone? No? Just me? Okay)

I have time to do more filler chapters so PLEASE suggest! If you want to see anything happen please feel free to comment!

— Calypso —

The camp was quiet without the main troublemakers. Yet it wasn't empty.

So why did I feel so lonely?

Will had the same problem. We hung out a bit and got to know eachother.

Then three days ago Nico called. I was happy for him, but wondered when Leo would call for me.

Then he turned up in the message, and I didn't feel so alone anymore. We talked, not long enough, but I was happy I got to see him. Even if it wasn't in the flesh.

When the message ended I felt alone again. And that's when I realized that with Leo, I wasn't alone.

I wandered around camp. I felt a little awkward. Everyone here fit in, had a godly parent, or was another halfbreed. My parent was a titan. I was the goddess of Ogygia, but now I'm gone would I still be considered a goddess?

Everyone respects me as one, which is nice, but I'd rather be treated like a camper. The only people who did, besides Will, are on that quest.

That stupid quest.

That stupid, stupid, what!?

A bird flew into camp with a letter in its claws. Will saw as well and was extremely happy. That could only mean one thing.

It was the 10. Their way of communication from 'Hogwarts'

I ran to the big house as Chiron caught the note.

He read it quickly before looking up at Will and I.

"All will be revealed tonight."

We groaned and left the house.

Hours went by and after dinner we met at the campfire.

"I have an important announcement."

"They're coming home?" Will and I asked.


We slumped down.

"In fact, they have invited us to join them in a ball."

Mine and Will's eyes lit up.

"The Ball is in 3 days. I will pick only a few to go."

The next 3 days were incredibly important to me. I had to be perfect. Sure, Chiron hadn't told us who he had chosen but Leo was there and it was a Ball, he wouldn't leave us apart any longer.

So I hung out with campers of various Gods/Godesses.

I made my dress, picked the perfect flower, and spent a lot of time with the Aphrodite kids, whom really helped.

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