6 ~ Son of Voldemort

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Creds to Viria ^^


At first I thought the new kids were odd because they're from America and do things differently to us.

Now I'm thinking otherwise.

Shadows seem to follow that Nico boy everywhere. But that's not where I started to get suspicious.

First Nico was pulled out of Herbology for a 'special job' and I swear I saw a plant start to shrivel up.

Then Leo started yelling at Snape and Snape says he was informed about their 'parentage' whatever that was supposed to mean, then Percy remarked it does make him more superior than Snape. They haven't seen him in action!

Then at lunch they went off again and got rid of some of their food. Which is just plain weird.

During History, Nico grabbed a ghost by the ear and dragged him out. Then he came in thanking Nico like he had done something. You can't kill a ghost twice! What was he going to do? Take him back to the underworld!?

Then in defense against the dark arts, they paled when Elixia said half-human. Then Annabeth shot her hand up and knew an awful lot about half-breeds, which some were from myths!

And last, to top it of, in divination, the laugh when trelawney predicts there death, which are normal ways to die, mind you. Then Nico started screaming at Thalia, Clarisse and Leo in another language. And finally Professor starts blurting out random prophecies,,which they all claim to be part of!

And if that wasn't enough, they have weird nick names for eachother, they're constantly fighting with eachother, they say things like 'Holy Hephaestus!' And 'Oh my Gods!', there're slapping eachother for 'slipping up' and keep talking in another language: Ancient Greek, Annabeth had told us.

At dinner, because Hermione was sick of us complaining they're evil, she confronted them and asked why they were acting weirdly (all the stuff I listed above)

They stared at her blankly for a second, then Annabeth spoke up. "We're a little homesick and not used to how you do things here, sorry if we're acting weirdly, it's just normal from where we come from." Saved. The others nodded and Hermione gave us a see! look.

When we returned to the common room, Hermione had already laid out a few books on half-humans. "What are you doing?" I asked, wanting to get a hint before I started my own summary.

"Demigods" she said. Frank looked at us, a little frightened, and ran into the guest room.

"What are those?"

"Half-human, obviously. And half-God."

"But, aren't they like, myths?" Ron asked.

"Yes but since he believed what Annabeth said, I thought I'd just do this."

I shrugged. I started reading about Demigods. There was a lot here, so I could have an easier time writing an eighteen inch summary.

"What if the new kids are demigods?" I suggested.

"Please, they're Myths! Do you think the Gods are real and having children? No, I didn't think so."

"Then why are you doing this?" I asked, I flicked through the pages, "and not Harpies?"

"Because one: Annabeth already said them, and two: because Elixia seems to believe all the stuff he reads, apart from the things that say they are fake!"

"You're jealous Annabeth is smart, aren't you?"

"No! It's good to have someone around who understands your passion!"

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