The Celestial Moon Shrine

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        I glared down at the crumpled drawing I had found when I was cleaning the Treehouse. Why did I draw this? It's so stupid, me lying in a field with butterflies and pink flowers, ridiculous. I couldn't help but scoff at the terrible caption; I Love My Life. Yeah maybe I did back then, but not anymore. The fight against the Witherstorm was good for everyone else. It made us heroes, but the cost that only I had to pay wasn't worth it. Everyone seems to forget is that my first and best friend, Reuben, died. And, it was all my fault! So I'm sorry that I wake everyone up because of my nightmares. I swear if I hear Axel scream at me to "toughen up!" one more time, I just might lose it. Olivia tried to help at the start, making weird redstone machines and brewing disgusting potions. None of it worked so eventually she started to side with Axel. Soon it was the Order against Jesse, not just in this, but in everything. Take the last time we went adventuring:


        "So Olivia, where did Ivor say this mysterious shrine is?" I asked. Glancing over my shoulder to look at her. She was scrutinizing a map, her eyes narrowed into slits.
        "Would you just be patient! We're close," she snapped. I whipped my head away from her so she couldn't see my expression, I have never been good at keeping a poker face. Usually the gang can tell exactly what I'm feeling, at least that's what Petra tells me.
        "Okay, geez. Sorry I didn't mean to offend you," I said, keeping my eyes forward. I heard her huff and start talking to Axel and Lukas.
        "The shrine should be at the top of that mountain," she told them, whispering it, like she didn't want someone to hear. Hmm... wonder who that someone could be, I thought rolling my eyes. "We'll have to climb the entire thing." I could tell she wasn't pleased by the fact, and judging by the sighing, neither were Lukas and Axel. I broke into a grin, and looked at Petra from the corner of my eye. She was scowling, but felt my gaze on her and met my eyes. I felt my heart skip a beat. So I may or may not have a tiny crush on Petra. Okay, it's not tiny, I have a huge crush on her. Another reason I miss Reub, I used to be able to talk about it with him, no judgement just listening. I really miss Reuben. But I pushed my thoughts away and smirked at her,
        "If I can craft ladders faster than you, I can definitely beat you in a climbing race," I bragged. She smiled,
        "How does that make any sense?" she asked.
        "It doesn't, one two three GO!" I yelled bolting to the mountain.
       "No fair!" she screamed, but she was already running. By the time she reached the mountain I was a good twenty blocks above her. I pulled myself up block by block, grasping any hand hold I could find. I risked a glance down at Petra, she was catching up, fast. I sped up ignoring my aching muscles.
        I reached the top just before Petra. Smiling in victory as I collapsed at the top. She pulled herself over the edge, panting.
       "No...huff...fair! You... cheated!" She playfully glared at me as she struggled to get enough breathe. I laughed, peeking over the edge I saw the others barely a quarter of the way up. I snickered as I pointed them out to Petra. We both smiled at each other, she got up, offering me a hand. I took it gratefully as she hauled me up. I turned around and gasped at the sight of it.

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