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Without any hesitation Petra shoved the potion of sleep into Jesse's mouth.


I groaned. My body numb, except my head which felt like it had been impaled by a pickaxe. I couldn't move, I couldn't even open my eyes. What had happened during the Blood Moon? A spike of fear suddenly rang through me, did I hurt anyone? Worse, did I kill anyone? I began to regain feeling in my body and my headache eased. I finally had the strength to open my eyes, as soon as I did, I regretted it. The golden sun pierced my retinas. I hissed, snapping my eyes shut. A quiet laugh came from behind me,
              "Last I checked you were a werewolf, not a vampire." I opened my eyes again slowly, I shielded them from the bright sun. Petra was looking at me from over her shoulder, a smirk plastered on her face. My eyes finally adjusted, I gasped. Petra was rowing a little oak boat across the vast ocean. The others, also on boats, were next to us. Axel had his own boat, while Olivia and Lukas were sharing.
          "Umm... Why are we in the middle of the ocean?" I asked, trying desperately to recover the events of the past night from my memory.
"Yeah about that, the prison was actually on an island," Petra said, rolling her shoulders which must be uncomfortable due to all the rowing of the oars.
          "Do you know where we are?" She didn't bother to look over her shoulder.
          "In the middle of the ocean, obviously," she said, keeping her chocolate eyes trained forward. I rolled my eyes,
           "Thank you Captain Obvious, I can see that. But where in the ocean are we?" She looks over at me again, this time a bit sheepishly.
            "No idea..." I barely even flinch, of course we're lost, it's never that easy.
            "Great... So what do we do now?" I ask. She looks at me nervously, like she wants to talk about something, but isn't sure how to bring it up. I've known Petra for so long, she's like an open book to me at this point.
           "We row till we find land," she answers. I tear my gaze from Petra and look out into the open ocean. It seemed to sparkle in the sunlight, I still couldn't help but wonder what had happened during the Blood Moon.
"For the love of... ASK PETRA YOU DINGUS!" Rue screeched in my head. I covered my ears, hoping to block some of Rue's screaming. I turn to Petra,
"What happened last night, I can't remember anything," I ask. She whips her head towards me, eyes wide.
"You don't remember anything? Like nothing at all?" she whispered, a mixture of relief and disappointment flash across her face.
"Yup, I only remember a guard chaining me to the wall, then blackness." I look at her suspiciously.
"A guard CHAINED YOU TO THE WALL!" The others looked over, surprised by Petra's outburst. I was also a little surprised to be honest, Petra was always on the quieter side.
"Yeah, but it's chill. I didn't care," she looked at me like I was nuts.
"You didn't care!?!" she glared at me incredulously.
"Petra, what happened last night?" I asked her pleadingly.
"You really didn't do anything that bad. Just blew open you cell, bit a guard, tried to kill me, and were finally sedated," her rowing speed increased, her entire body visibly tensed. I put my hand on her shoulder, she stared at it, but then relaxed.
"How about I paddle for awhile, you seem tired," she nodded. We traded spots and I started rowing. Petra rested her back against mine, and soon after drifted off.
         I stared at the sky nervously, it was the middle of the day, but clouds were rolling in darkening the sky. This could only mean one thing... A storm. Olivia and I exchanged worried looks. There was no land in sight. If we got caught in the tsunami, there might not be any hope of seeing the shore ever again.
        The wind soon picked up, causing a chill to settle over us. Rain started to lightly fall. The height of the waves increased.
        "Paddle faster! There's got to be land here somewhere!" I yell over the howling gale.
         The waves surged, becoming over ten blocks tall. Petra grasped the sides of our shared little dingy, I rowed forward as fast as my arms could move.
         "Look! In the distance!" Petra shouted, to be heard over the raging storm. I squinted, shielding my eyes from the rain. On the horizon was a narrow strip of land.
        "We're going to make it!" Axel shouted. I cringed, praying to Notch he didn't just jinx us. What happened next was like Herobrine had heard Axel's cocky outburst, and decided to remind us it was never easy. A gigantic tidal wave rose behind us. I gasped and putting every ounce of strength I had to rowing faster. No use, the wave crashed over our heads. The boats splintered apart as soon as the water hit. I sucked in a breath just before I went under. For a moment I was disoriented, fear coursed through me. Which way was up? I quickly regained some of my senses and swam to the surface. I broke through the angry sea, I whipped my head around looking for the others. One by one I saw each of their heads bobbing in the ocean.
         "Swim to shore! We've got to make it!" I took off, using the adrenaline that had begun pumping through my veins.
        We had made it three quarters of the way before I noticed something was off. I risked a look over my shoulder. I looked back at the Order. One, two, three... Only three! Where's the fourth? Axel, Olivia, and Lukas were accounted for. Fear stuck it's talons in my heart, where's Petra? I scanned the top of the water, no sign of the ginger. I used my wolf-hearing to see if there was any trace of her. I whipped my head around. Thank Notch for my powers otherwise I would have never hear the quiet and panicked gasps coming from a few blocks back.
         "Go! We'll meet you there!" I yelled to them. I didn't wait for their reactions before I dived under. I swam with the speed of a torpedo. I was not going to let the love of my life die, not like this. I looked desperately for Petra. I was losing hope till I saw a glint of copper in the pressing darkness. I dived lower and hooked an arm around her waist. I used what was left of my energy to kick my legs swiftly. I broke the surface, Petra was completely unconscious. Exhaustion was starting to creep in, especially now since I had Petra's dead weight.
         "Rue! I need a boost!" I screamed out loud. "I got you covered kid!" A boost of Rue's transferred energy flooded through me. I swam as quickly as I could to make it to shore before it was too late.
        I dragged myself and Petra onto the sand. My bones felt like jello, I could barely move. I caught my breath, only to have it hitch when I saw Petra's sickly pale body. I wobbled over to her, the others stumbled over. A look of disbelief written on all of their faces. Tears were pooling in all of our eyes. Something inside me snapped.
         "No, you're not dying on me now! Not after all we've been through!" I laid her flat on her back and began CPR. I counted under my breath, thirty chest compressions. I looked at her lips and only hesitated a second. I tilted her head back and leaned down. I pressed my lips to hers, and did two rescue breaths. She still wasn't breathing. I continued the cycle till my second set of breaths. As soon as removed my lips from hers a third time, water bubble out of her mouth. She began coughing violently, I sobbed in relief. I moved her body into the recovery position. She was going to be okay...

Hey wolf pack, I need some advice. If you don't care about the author's note, just stop here. So for any of you still reading, I got asked out. Now most of you might be saying, "Wolfe, what the heck? I don't care about your life!" I get that, but I just feel really bad. And my friends are no help, they think it's hilarious. Here's the gist of what happened. It was passing time, I was walking to my second class. This boy (we'll call him Marvin) stopped me in the hallway asking if he could talk to me. I internally freaked out, I was 90% sure Marvin liked me, and I knew he would ask me out sooner or later (I would've preferred later). So I asked him if we could walk and talk, hoping to make it to my next class before he could ask. He said a lot of stuff, mostly cheesy bullshit like "We've known each other for so long" and "I think are personalities would match". I honestly zoned out. But when he asked me I almost shut down and just walked away without answering. I considered asking him to give me time to think about it, but I really didn't want to think about it, I already knew my answer. So I told him I liked someone else (which is true!) then I really did walk away. Apparently he took it really hard and got... violent with some people who were only trying to comfort him. But I still feel really bad, we were friends before all this happed. Though I use "friend" loosely, he is kinda mean. Like he's malicious for no reason, and I'm actually scared, especially if he somehow finds out who I like. I like a girl... shocker. But she's straight (though that's still to be determined) and I'm worried he might tell her, or worse hurt her. So what do you guys think? What should I do?

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