The Sun Pride

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        All she saw was a golden dragon tattoo before she was forcefully stuffed into a sack.
"Sorry little missy, nothing personal, but what the king wants, the king shall have."

Warning ⚠️: This chapter is a bit intense, as in Star Wars Jabba the Hut and Princess Leia on steroids, type deal. I'm sure your all tough little wolves and can handle it, but be warned.

Petra's POV:
Petra woke in complete darkness, she tried to move but became aware of the cold metallic shackles on her arms and legs. She struggled against them, they clanked but didn't budge. Her eyes finally adjusted to the darkness, she was in an obsidian box, not big, but practically indestructible. The only entry point was two iron doors, but the light was blocked by a guard. A guard! She got an idea, she grabbed the top of her shackles and began to purposely shake them. It made one hell of a racket, hopefully loud enough to piss off that guard, for him to come in. A loud bang came on the door, as the guard's fist hit it.
       "Ey! Shud' up in ther!" he yelled. Petra grimaced, what the heck was this accent? She crashed her shackles again making more and more noise. The iron doors finally snapped open and the scruffy guard lumbered in, ducking his head under the doorway to fit. He was massive, Petra was so sure he was going to slam her head against the wall.
         "If yur so excited ta cee da king, den let's go," he unlocked her chains, and tied her hands behind her back. He lead her through a long obsidian hallway into what must be a throne room.

        It was empty up until the stairs to the throne, which had at least a dozen beautiful young women lounging on there

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        It was empty up until the stairs to the throne, which had at least a dozen beautiful young women lounging on there. A couple had full pregnant stomachs, that's the when Petra began to acutely fear for her own wellbeing. On the throne was a tall dark skinned man with unsettling toffee eyes laced with gold. He was wearing a reddish robe with a golden collar.

       Petra put on her signature indifferent sneer and looked him bravely in the eye

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       Petra put on her signature indifferent sneer and looked him bravely in the eye. He took her in, eyes lazily wandering over her body. When his eyes fixed on her chest, she had enough.
        "Hey Scumbag, eyes up here," she snarled threateningly. He completely ignored her and looked down on her guard.
      "Haki, where is Ladon?" the scumbag  king asked the scruffy guard.
     "I sent fur him, me lord," Haki bowed, trying to push her to do the same. Petra shook him off and stood her ground. A caramel skinned man came rushing in. He had reddish black hair and a golden dragon tattoo. A flash of memory returned to her and she realized Ladon had been the one to knock her out! The familiar rage turned in her stomach, she gave him a threatening look. He shied away from her as he bowed to his king.
       "Pharaoh Aten, you sent for me," Ladon said.
        "Yes Ladon I did, and I am very confused," the pharaoh said shortly.
        "Why is that my lord?" Ladon asked, Petra mentally face palmed at the man who obviously walked into a trap.
       "Well Ladon, I specifically asked for the raven haired girl with green eyes, the famous 'hero', you must have heard of her?" Aten said patronizingly. Petra curled her lip, of course it was Jesse he was looking for.
      "I know your majesty, I am sorry for the inconvenience. Unfortunately the fleabags got her first," the man said shamefully. What fleabags? The pharaoh let out a long slew of curses.
       "Those sun forsaken mutts, I should have known Selena would make a power play!" Selena? Petra had heard that name before, but where? "So who is this pretty thing you brought in her place?" he gazed down at Petra, she resisted the urge to punch him in the face.
        "This is Petra the Warrior, apparently she is just as good, if not better than the green eyed girl." Ladon introduced her.
        "I would like to say it's a pleasure meeting you, but it's not," Petra sneered, pretending to study her nails. A couple of the women gasped from behind Aten. He raised his eyebrows, then bellowed out a laugh.
       "Feisty thing isn't she. I have a feeling she will do just perfectly." Ladon looked relieved, bowed to the king and took his leave.
      "I'm sorry I was rude before, but I was expecting someone else," the king said. "Unfortunately my old champion, Kratos has had a... accident, and I'm in need of a replacement." Petra raised her eyebrows, from what she had seen so far, she wanted to get as far away from this psychopath as possible, or she may turn into one of those brainwashed women lounging on the stairs impregnated with the king's child.
       "Thanks but no thanks, I'll pass," she said offhandedly. The kings brows furrowed.
      "That's unfortunate, because it wasn't a question, it was a demand." Pharaoh Aten hissed. Haki tried to push her to the floor, but she dodged, swinging her arms under her legs so that her hands were now in front of her. Haki threw another punch, while Aten sat back on his throne looking amused. Petra dodged blow after blow, not even breaking a sweat, as big as this guy was, he was sloppy. Finally Haki's fist grazed her shoulder, Petra decided it was time to show them how good she really was. She caught his next punch and pulled him down. She slipped the shackles around his neck, proceeding to choke him. He gasped for breath, Petra held him there until he passed out. She found the key in his front pocket and unlocked her handcuffs. A slow clap sounded from behind her and Aten stood, while the women around him looked horrified in what she had done.
       "You defeated Haki, not an easy feat. You may be my best champion yet, certainly the most attractive," with that he began to chant and a golden glow surrounded her, immense pain spread through her as she tried to reject it. Before she passed out she saw a ginger colored lioness with chocolate brown eyes leaping at her.

       Petra awoke in the forest, her head pounding. She sat up groggily, and took in her surroundings, how had she gotten here? The last thing she remembered was that crazy pharaoh, how had she escaped? She hauled herself off the ground and picked a direction at random to go. She walked awhile until she heard the crashing of a water fall. Petra hobbled in that direction hoping to find some fresh water. As she neared the clear she saw a raven haired girl kneeling at the bank. Her body quivered and she wiped at her eyes, she turned around and she realized the girl was Jesse! Her green and silver eyes were bloodshot from crying and the bags under her eyes suggested she hadn't slept. Jesse turned back to the water and gazed in.
       "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Why couldn't I just have told you the truth none of this would have happened," her voice cracked. "I failed you Petra, I failed you. If I had just been honest you would still be here!" Jesse closed her eyes and began to bawl her eyes out. Petra was taken aback, Jesse thought that her disappearance was her own fault?!? Guilt seeped through her, though she couldn't figure out why, it wasn't her fault she was kidnaped, for Notch's sake! But she still felt so bad, like Jesse crying physically pained her. Petra gathered up her nerve and finally walked over and put her arms around the petite ravenette. Jesse turned her face to cry into her shoulder. Finally she calmed down and gazed up at Petra, her green eyes sparked with recognition then a sea of emotions flowed into them. Jesse hugged her tighter, muttering "thank Notch" over and over. When Jesse finally released her Petra gave her a guilty smile.
      "Hi," she said softly. Something in Jesse's eyes changed and before Petra knew it a hard punch hit her shoulder.
     "Don't you dare hi me Petra, you have been gone almost a week! Then you turn up in the middle of the gosh darned forest! What the heck was I supposed to think," even though Jesse was yelling, Petra could see the relief in her eyes.
      "I know, I know. I'm sorry," Petra tried to say, but apparently the smaller girl hadn't finished. "You have no idea what was going through my head the day I couldn't find you. I thought..." her voice broke again. "I thought you hated me and you left m-us because of it," Jesse's eyes began to tear up again. Petra embraced her again and started to rub circles on her back.
       "Jesse, you may be a pain in the ass most of the time, but your my pain in the ass. I couldn't leave because of a stupid argument, even if I had wanted to," Petra said, pulling back to met Jesse's green gaze. Jesse beamed at her, her cheeks tinted pink, Petra figured it was from all of the crying.
         "I know you would never leave me, but..." Jesse's eyes landed on her hand, she drew a sharp breath.
         "What?" Petra asked confused. Jesse held up Petra's hand, on it was a little gold ring. It had a curvy design carved into it and a craved sun in the middle.

     "I have no idea what this is," Petra said examining the ring carefully

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     "I have no idea what this is," Petra said examining the ring carefully. She completely missed the fear in Jesse's eyes.
     "I do," Jesse said quietly, "And it's anything but good."


Hey Wolf Pack, finally back from Spain! I actually got a tan, which for me is almost impossible, I'm usually as pale as a vampire. But don't worry, I'll always be a wolf. Shoutouts to; @IdlaDeBivile, @Tweakuboy, and @piperwolf94. You know the drill, Comment and Vote!
~Wolfe 🐺

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