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The emerald blocks retract being replaced by stairs leading into a deep, dark, hole. We look all down into the inky blackness.
          "Well gang, let's get what we came for."


            We descended down the stairs, the darkness swallowing us up. Everyone was quiet, even Lyric who doesn't, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, shut up, was quiet. I looked around nervously, something about this place didn't feel quite natural. "Not just you, it's making my fur stand on end!" Rue muttered, I looked back at the rest of the group who were tense, eyes darting around looking for any signs of danger, Lyric was fidgeting nervously. As we reached the bottom of the steps, torches began to light the dark tunnel. I drew my sword restlessly, the others copied my example. At the end of the tunnel there were two stone statues, one of a wolf and one of a lion. The was a chalice next each and a iron sword. Petra and I exchanged a glance, we knew what we had to do, but neither of us like it. We crossed to our respective sides and raised the iron sword to our hands.
          "On three," I said, and she nodded. "One, two, three." We dragged our respective swords across our hands, blood swelled from my palm, stinging my skin. I held my hand above the chalice and let the oozing blood drip down into it. The wall split in two, and Lukas came over with bandages for our hands. We went inside, the room was pitch black.
          "I'm so sorry about this, but I have no choice," a voice said sadly. A shriek pierced the quiet air, mound enough to rupture a person eardrums. I doubled over, tears running down my face. The pain was overwhelming, and I fell to the floor, my eyes closed. I blacked out.
          I awoke and found myself laying on a bed. I leap to my feet and stumble up. There was a bed, a small table and chair, and a cauldron. I was in a cell! I ran to the wall made of iron bars and looked out.
         "Holy crap!" I exclaimed.

         "Holy crap!" I exclaimed

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          This was not good. How did I get in here? Where are the others? I sat on my bed, a little dizzy due to stress. There came a clang on my door, and a tall man opened the door. He wore a standard prison guard outfit, he was big and strong, though his eyes were tired.
          "Come with me," he said dully. He came over and cuffed me. Practically dragging me out of my cell. "Can you tell the lunkhead here that he doesn't have to pull, as if I wanted to stay in that awful cell any longer," Rue said hotly.
"You are such a drama queen!" The guard looked at me, he raised an eyebrow,
"Problem with your Familiar?" He asked. I looked at him, confused.
"What's a familiar?" I asked. He smiled for the first time, probably ever.
"A familiar is an animal spirit, usually a companion, but can be used for much more..." he trailed off. "See I'm useful," Rue said cheerfully. I rolled my eyes. He led me into an office, there waiting were none other than Petra, Lukas, Olivia, and Axel! I smile, but it quickly disappears when I realize we're missing someone.
"Where's Lyric?" I ask, concerned for our new teammate. They shrugged, knowing about as much as me. Lukas walked closer to me,
"I'm really worried about her, she isn't equipped for situations like this, she could be really hurt," he said quietly. I nodded, understandingly,
"I have a feeling she's okay, we're all here, they have no reason to single her out."
"Oh but that's where your wrong! We had every reason to single her out," a distorted voice boomed, I whirled around, looking for the speaker. A figure in a black cloak was standing in the doorway, and next to them was Lyric. She looked perfectly fine, not a hair out of place.
"Why my little siren, tell them what you've been up too," the cloaked figure said, shoving the blue haired girl forward. Lyric looked at the ground, not meeting any of our eyes.
"I said TELL THEM," the distorted voice screamed. Lyric winced,
"I used my powers of sonic manipulation to knock you out, I'm sorry," she visibly trembled. We looked at her in disbelief.
"And tell them how you knocked them out, sweetling," the figure purred.
"I used my sonic scream..." she whispered. Petra snarled,
"Are you shitting me? You've been a traitor this entire time, you know what you can go mfph..." I slapped my hand over the hot-headed girls mouth.
"What she means to say is, how could you Lyric?" I asked.
"I didn't have a choice! I serve the Siblings Celestial!" She said frantically.
"You always have a choice, Lyric. And you made the wrong one!" Lukas said, disappointment clear.
"On the contrary my dear ocelot, she made the right choice," the figure laughed maniacally.
"You think this prison will hold us? We'll escape and get the godly weapons, then destroy you!" Petra growled. The figure burst out laughing.
          "You thought that the most powerful weapons in the world were hidden in a cave?!? That'd be much to easy." I turned to Lyric and glared,
          "You swapped out map! You killed the Alpha! You the Celestial Sister!" she shrunk back, hiding behind the cloaked figure.
        "Her? HER! She's too spineless to handle such a job! I am the Celestial Sister, I poisoned your precious Selena, and I shall kill you next!" She pointed a black gloved finger at me. I step forward bravely, maybe even stupidly.
          "Then what's stopping you? Let my friends go, and I'll go peacefully," my friends and Lyric gasped, while the Celestial Sister laughed.
           "Don't you dare Jesse!" Petra hissed from behind me.
            "Well do we have a deal?" I ask. The Sister is quiet for a moment,
             "No, that's much to easy, I'm going to enjoy taking away everyone you love! And most of all I'm going to enjoy watching the disbelief and horror on your face when I reveal myself to you!" she says. I stand there, expectantly.
         "Not now the time isn't right. Now come along little siren, we've got work to do..."


I'm so sorry I was off the grid for awhile, as I was telling Partywolf, I broke my arm and got a concussion. Trust me it wasn't fun. I fell off a horse mid-jump, landing on my arm, my head hit the wall, and I blacked out. Yeah, I'm the most danger prone person ever. I'm back, and to start making it up to you I've published my new story. Shoutouts of the day are; @DangerousMoonlight2, @CuddlyCookie, @PastelPickle, @Still_Volcanic1, @LunaMoon713, @DarkArts13, and @mcsvklance! As always, Comment and Vote!
~Wolfe 🐺

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