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She began coughing violently, I sobbed in relief. I moved her body into the recovery position. She was going to be okay...


After awhile the storm died down, we all huddled together on the beach. I watched the tormented surf, we were alive, battered and bruised, but alive. We all knew soon enough that we would become starved and dehydrated, our only option was to explore the island and hope to Notch that there were the resources we desperately needed. When the rain came to a long, dragged out halt I stood and stretched. The others looked to me, waiting for a plan. They were in no condition to go far, Petra had just almost drowned for goodness sake, and the others were too scared and exhausted to be much help. My strength had returned to me fully thanks to Rue, but the effort took most of her energy.
"Alright everyone, I'm going to go see if there is anything on this Notch forsaken island," Petra raised her head.
"Your not going anywhere without me," she struggled to stand, her knees wobbling under her. I dashed forward to catch her before she collapsed. I laid her back down,
"None of you are in any condition to help me. You especially Petra, you're lucky to still be breathing," I said gently. She glared at me, although it was much weaker than her usual one.
"Rest up, I'll see you soon," I said turning away from them and ran into the trees. I decided not to morph into my wolf form figuring it would take to much energy. I did however use my superhuman speed. I zigzagged between trees, dodging the elevated roots on the jungle floor. I almost zoomed past a pond but I came to a screeching halt. I took note of the location, and filled as many bottles as possible, we would have to purify the water later, but for now finding it was a good first step. I continued my search for food, running past a group of pigs, I don't care how hungry I am, I cannot eat a pig. Eventually I found a couple sheep, I was as quick as possible. I dashed back towards the beach, as I neared the tree line I noticed that my friends weren't alone. Five people in wooden masks resembling different monsters were surrounding them. For my friends themselves, they were bound to a tree with thick ropes. Each of their weapons were piled between the warriors. I sighed, can't catch a break can I?
        "I'm gone for twenty five minutes and you're in trouble? I can't take you guys anywhere!" I shout over at them, the mask dudes grunt at each other while my friends weakly smile.
        "Hey Jesse, we're in a bit of a... bind. Care to help us out?" Lukas asked, I snorted at his attempt at a pun.
"Yikes, I take a nap and you're back to fighting! I don't have limitless energy ya know!" Rue protests, but her voice is weak and far off.
        "Just go back to sleep, I can handle this," I whispered.
"Alright, but when you can't, don't come crying to me for help," she said snootily. I rolled my eyes, the monster warriors were approaching slowly, as if they were stalking me. Their tactic seemed to be to surround, much like wolves. But they couldn't beat a wolf at her own game. I backed towards a tree, pretending to be scared and moving for a retreat. When my back pressed against the rough bark of a tree, I waited till the masked monsters were close enough so I could see their eyes under the masks. I began to climb, stopping when two branches were side by side. I planted my hands firmly on each of the branches, I rested my feet on the trunk of the tree. My friends were craning their necks to see, I winked to reassure them that I did indeed have a plan. I looked down to see a warrior starting to climb the tree, the rest had closed in around the it. I pushed off the tree and flipped down, landing in a graceful crouch with one leg out. I didn't hesitate to draw my sword and run to my friends, slicing through the ropes that had once held them in place. They ran to the weapons pile and reclaimed their own. We stood, poised to attack, five on five. Normally I would like the odds, but I knew my friends were in bad shape. Axel was limping, Olivia's shoulders sagged, Lukas's whole body trembled, and Petra was paler than usual her lips blue.
         "Alright guys team up, Olivia and Axel take the one in the Zombie Mask. Petra and Lukas take the guy in the Spider Mask," I shouted to them.
       "What about you?" Axel yelled.
       "I've got the rest," I said grimly. All at once the battle started. Each team split into two different directions, with me running up the middle. I swiped my sword in a vicious arch over a guy with a Skeleton Mask. A long scratch formed as my sword ran across the mask, he tumbled back. I swept my leg out and tripped him, he fell with a thud. I hit him over the head with the flat part of my sword, he passed out. The other two seemed to realize my skill with a sword and closed in. One in an Enderman Mask and one in a Creeper Mask. I had a feeling that these guys knew what they were doing. Muscles and tattoos were covering their arms and legs. Their swords were three times the size of mine, glowing with various enchantments. They both came at me together, I ducked and rolled to the side. Their swords buried in the dirt where I had been. I sprinted and placed my foot in the valley where the two swords met, and sprang upwards. I came down with my feet positioned over each of their heads. A sickening crunch sounded as I landed. I looked over my friends were handling themselves nicely. Petra was slashing at her assigned warrior while Lukas was pelting him with arrows. On my other side Axel was holding down the other warrior and Olivia was standing off to the side creating some sort of cage. Once we had neutralized the threat, we dragged the battered masked monsters into the cage.
"What's our next move?" Olivia asked as we stared at the strangers.
"We wait, either until they wake up or their friends come looking for them," I said calmly.
"How long until then?" she asked.
"I have no idea, soon I hope."

I know, I know. This chapter is long overdue, I had writers block. Worst. Thing. Ever. Anyway my teachers are giving me a mountain of homework. How many of you are out of school because of the storm. I had Thursday and Friday off, and now probably Tuesday. Wish me luck. As always Comment and Vote!

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