The Transformation Part. 2

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    "Ah... finally Jesse! We need you to come with us."


         All of my friends tensed up, looking at Selena suspiciously. I can't blame them, the Alpha had a tendency to be a little forward. Petra's hand instantly went to her sword. I touched her hand and shook my head. Selena had to get the highest rank somehow, I don't particularly want to find how.
         "Lena, what have we talked about?" Aura questioned, exasperated. Selena looked slightly guilty, but just patted Aura's arm. Aura rolled her eyes.
"What my girlfriend means to say is, Jesse we would like a word with you about our agreement," Aura clarified. Lukas and Axel, who both were shamelessly checking the two new comers out, looked at each other in shock at the word "girlfriend" I rolled my eyes, boys. Even Olivia and Petra seemed a bit taken aback at it. They don't have a problem with gay people, to my knowledge, but how causally Aura threw out the it out definitely surprised them. I smirked at them,
"Don't worry guys, I have some business to take care of. I'll meet you inside after." I shooed them towards the entrance. After they had left, with a lot of grumbling no less, I turned to them.
"Not here, the walls have ears," Selena said looking at the walls suspiciously. Aura rolled her eyes but agreed. We walk into the forest, just out of view of the temple, when Rue pipes up. "Huh... it kinda makes sense," she mutters. "What does?" I ask her in my head. "The fact that our Alpha and Luna are both girls," I blink, confused. Rue sighs, "Even though the moon goddess sent priestesses to protect the temple, in the wild it's always a male wolf as Alpha and a female as Luna, so a solution for the women in charge is just to mate with another woman," Rue explained, impatiently.
"You are conversing with your wolf already! This is very good," Selena exclaimed. We stopped walking.
        "The fact that you have connected to your wolf will help you through your first transformation," she smiled.
        "Umm... say what now?" I asked not fully grasping what she said. Selena sighed,
       "It's the full moon, as in, first transformation into your wolf form. It will also burn away your human self, leaving nothing but the wolf and the dragon," Aura explained patiently. "Thank Notch, I was afraid I had to explain everything to her, stupid newbies," Rue shouts helpfully in my mind. "If I'm a newbie does that make you an oldbie? Now shut your snout so I can pay attention," I thought. A soft growl was the response.
        "But seriously it is your first transformation, it's going to hurt like hell, so we need you to be monitored," Selena explains. "So you need to come with us." I looked at them long enough for them to become slightly agitated.
      "Let me go pack a bag, I'll met you there," I turned to leave, but then remembered they are my superiors, and bow to them. Running back down the path, and into the temple, I grabbed a rose red backpack and slung it over my shoulder. Dashing into my old room (I still live in my treehouse, I still don't trust the others, sue me!) I rummage through the drawers looking for a spare set of clothes. Finally finding some, I messily stuff them into the bag, practically sprinting out the door I knock into something. Stumbling back I looked to see what I ran into, surprised to see it was Petra. Her eyes immediately went to the backpack on my shoulder, she narrowed her eyes.
       "Where are you going?" She asks, not bothering to hide the suspicion in her voice.
       "I have something to do, ya know, business stuff," I say, avoiding her eyes. I try to slip past her, but of course, she blocks my path.
       "Does it have to do with those two strangers that showed up," she asks
       "As a matter of fact it does," I said, trying in vain to get past her.
      "Why are you in such a rush?" She asks, getting more suspicious by the minute.
     "Why are you asking so many questions?" I shot back. "If you must know, I'm late, so see ya tomorrow," I finally push past her, leaving her stunned in the hallway. I rush to the stables, mounting my favorite white horse with a black mane and tail. I named him Sky, I know, super original, but hey when I named him I was wishing for clear skies.
       He galloped off into the woods, leaving only trails of dust behind. We reached the cliff faster then I thought was possible. Sky came to a screeching halt in front of the steep cliff. I gracefully dismounted and grabbed the reins pulling him along with me. Standing by the cliff was a small platinum haired girl with midnight blue eyes. She smiled at me.
"Hey Koda, nice to see you again," I said to her politely.
"Good evening, Jesse! Good thing your here before moonrise, or things could've gotten ugly," she says seriously. She notices Sky,
"Your wondering where to put your horse," she asks, I nod. She walks over to the cliff and punches some dirt away revealing a lever. She flips it and a part of the cliff face opens into an archway. Koda takes Sky's reins and walks into the hall, not forgetting to replace the dirt hiding the lever, closing the opening.
"Just go up those stairs on your left and you'll make it to the throne room. I'll take care of your horse," she says, I smile and nod my thanks, walking up the stairs. I enter the throne room; only to see it practically empty. Only the Alpha and Luna were in the room. They nodded for me to follow, we went outside into the courtyard which had been cleared of all activity. I look at Alpha Selena curiously.
      "As we said before, it's your first transformation, we can't take any risks," she says. We watch the sunset, and the moon come out. The two step to the side, seeming to know what's coming. I look at them confused, only to have them look at me pityingly. Why would they look at me like... Suddenly I double over, waves of pain radiating through my body. I collapse, withering. I had never experienced pain like this, not even the pain of re-spawning was this bad.
       "Let your wolf guide you Jesse. You can't do this by yourself," one of the say as they transform. I groan, spazzing and my limbs cracked, twisted, and elongated. "You heard her Rue, I can't do this alone," I cry out in pain, black spots swimming in my vision. "Oh so now you want me to talk, well honey, if that's what you want, then you shouldn't have told me to 'shut my snout', bet your regretting that comment now," Rue sasses me. I go into the fatal position, the pain burning my body. "Please Rue, I really need your help. I'm really sorry I was rude, but I think the transition is killing me." Tears run down my cheeks as I begin to black out. "Okay, okay, don't pass out. I need you conscious for this to work."
        She coaches me through until the pain subsides. I lay on the ground panting with closed eyes, every part of me was numb. Slowly my senses returned to me, but not like they were before. Everything was heightened, I could hear the faint noise of Beacon Town in the distance, I could smell everything including two things I had never smelt before. I finally open my eyes, and what I saw amazed me. Two wolves, the biggest one was silver with violet eyes, smelling of lavender, and a golden wolf with toffee eyes, with the smell of honey. I realized they were Alpha Selena and Luna Aura. I immediately bowed to them, finally seeing their true forms. They motion for me to follow them. We run to the closest pool of water. They step aside for me to look at my reflection. I step over the water and looked at my reflection. A raven black wolf with emerald green eyes stares back at me. I admire my new form, from my sleek figure, to my gigantic paws. I glance back at the water, with a wolffish grin, I loll out my tongue. It has five little black spots dotted across the pink flesh. I look back at the pair, giving them a look, like asking for confrontation that all of this was real. They give me twin wolffish smiles and throw back their heads and howl. At first nothing happens, then one response, then another, then another. Hundreds of wolf were adding their unique howls into the song. I sat there in a trance, it was like they were welcoming me into their pack. Once the remaining howls faded, Aura and Selena looked at me expectantly, so I did the only logical thing, I threw back my head and howled.

Part 2 done! I honestly can't believe I have reached 500 reads! Thank you all so much! This is a makeup chapter, so one more will come out, then I'll be off the grid for 2 weeks. Shoutouts today include; @AndreaAndAmy, @mlpisawsomelycool, @CrystalUnicornGeyser, and @jekasfanpancakepal12! To get shoutouts is really simple, all you have to do is... Comment and Vote
~Wolfe 🐺

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