So how do I get these Wolfe Dragon Powers?

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Racing to my treehouse, I grabbed a simple iron sword, completely forgetting that I had no armor on. I climbed down the ladder, as soon as my feet hit the dirt I sprinted off into the forest, not caring that the sun was setting.


The elongated shadows of the forest's tree line looked like claws, ready to grab me. The sun was barely a visible on the horizon. But, I honestly really didn't care. With the waxing gibbous moon in front of me, it was more than bright enough to light the way. I just kept running, away from my problems, not the best solution, I must admit, but right now, I could care less. Today my heart had shattered into a million pieces. Everyone betrayed me, my best friends and the girl I loved. Today cannot get any worse. I climb up a small cliff, sitting on the edge, I gaze out to Beacon Town, my home. It was lit up, like a swarm of blazes had just froze in place. But I couldn't bring myself to fully admire it, my heart ached in my chest, that's where they are.
I stayed there for Notch knows how long just thinking. I was so deep in thought I missed the sounds of the clicking, hissing, and groaning. That was until a arrow whizzed past my head, barely missing my cheek.
"Oh, COME ON!" I scream over at the skeleton. It freezes, confused, like why was a crazy human yelling at it. It's hesitation was all I needed. I jumped to my feet, and launched my sword. It stuck deep into the skeleton's forehead, with a loud CRACK. The skeleton fell backwards, and before it hit the ground it died in a soft poof. To bad all my screaming attracted the attention of a whole lot more monsters. I sized them up, not liking my odds.
"Well, I would like to say this has been fun, but it hasn't. So it's time I take my leave," I say to the mobs, slowly backing up to the edge of the small cliff. They advanced with every step I backed up. I smirked at them, when I was at the very edge that was physically possible. I did a backflip off the cliff, sticking the landing when my feet hit the ground, immediately breaking into a run. Well I was wrong, my day could get worse. I love it when I'm incorrect. I brave a look behind me. A not so quiet gasp escapes my mouth when I see the sight behind me. An army of hundreds of mobs had collected behind me. Well that's just brilliant, so bloody BRILLIANT! I speed up, till I was sprinting down a eerily familiar path. My legs were screaming at me to just stop, while my head screamed at me to keep going, as fast as possible. It didn't really matter which I was going to listen to, because I was quickly approaching a gigantic mountain. No where else to go, at least not with the monsters closing in behind me.
"YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" I scream, really wondering why karma was so ticked at me. An eager spider and his friend leapt forward, trying to tackle me to the ground. I roll to the side, avoiding the attack. The spider (I'm going to call him Peter) with his back turned to me, had no time to turn around before I stabbed him. He poofed away, leaving nothing but some string and a spider eye. Buh-bye, Peter. Peter's friend seemed really wazzed off that I killed him and lunged at me. I jumped on top of it, stabbing it until my sword breaks, and it dies. I look down at the iron handle, then back at the approaching mobs. I chuck the handle, hitting the closest mob, which happens to be a zombie. It topples over because of the impact. If I wasn't in such a bad situation, I'd probably laugh. Now completely defenseless, I really don't like my chances against the hundreds of monsters out for my blood. Well, I look at the mountain, no where to go but up. I grab onto the first hand hold, quickly trying to pull myself up the mountain side. Arrows whistled past, sinking into the stone. I climbed faster, until I made it out of range. I let out a breath of relief, only to have a spider jump on my foot. I scream, kicking my leg wildly, trying to remove it. Finally it falls, hitting a couple more spiders that were climbing after me.
When I finally made it to the top of the mountain I gasped at the sight. I was at the Celestial Moon Shrine! I can't help but admire it. It looks even more amazing at night, it had a silver glow to it. But what was even more shocking was that there were people walking to and from the tunnels. I stood there gaping, so it wasn't long before someone saw me. A girl, small in stature, with platinum blonde hair and midnight blue eyes. She smiled kindly at me as she approached.
"Oh good, you're finally here," she clasped her pale hands together excitedly. "Just wait till Alpha Selena sees you!" I stand there eyes wide, not really registering the fact that she was talking to me. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me down the LEFT tunnel. I knew we should have gone left! When we got to the end, my breath hitched.

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